Jonah Goldberg has finally finished his book — giving hope to procrastinators everywhere that one day they too can finish something — and thus the G-File has returned.
Since the book is about Liberal fascism (and I assume I’ll be getting a free copy in the mail), I’ll ask you what is your most hated example of liberal fascism?
I hate their petulant stares. Their fascist, petulant stares and the drool that that slowly forms at the corner of their mouths when they engage in such stares.
What do you think?
Their impotent little foot stamping while sticking out their quivering lower lips and demanding our surrender in Iraq. That annoys me. A lot.
I hate the shrill whining of the “educators” in our crappy blue state public school system, begging me to put my youngest on Ritalin so they can deal with “teaching” 34 nine-year-old students all at once.
I hate the way they make it rain frogs and pea soup every time they enter a church to prove they’re one of us. That stuff ruins my rain-x
What you can/can’t say depends of what color your skin is/isn’t.
The way they turn women into men, and men into women.
(Like the way that John Edwards wants to be the first woman President….)
That we can’t fight them the way we did the fascists in World War II.
(C’mon, can’t we at least try it? Say, a test run with Shermans and B-17’s at the next Dem convention?)
That when they go to church, it shows what upstanding, moral people they are, but when we go to church, we’re plotting to turn the U.S. into a theocracy.
The low quality of college instructors that my kids have to put up with. If they write/say what they think they are down-graded by these moron “teachers” that can’t even spell or compose complete sentences. And my kids have to pay these folks for the abuse.
I hate the way they hold the Satanic ceremonies at midnight.
After a long day of smoking pot and playing X-Box 360, do you think I want to sacrifice babies in the middle of the night?
Can’t they just do it around dinner-time?
I mean, we eat the baby afterwards, so wouldn’t that make more sense anyway?
Oh, well.
Hail Satan!
(and Ron Paul)
Monkey Faced Liberal
I hate the smell of burning Liberal in the morning, after a good party…Oh, and the clean up.
I hate the way they’re always bitching about how we’re ignoring the “reality” of global warming…all from the comfort of their well-conditioned SUVs and (decidedly non-green) McMansions.
The bug-eye. Definitely the bug-eye.
Totally creeps me out.
I hate their very existence. Rarrr!
but I do console myself with the thought: Someday there will be Fred Thompson.
I hate their scientific fascism…like they know everything and science is always correct without question! That certainly worked out well for those that were proponents of being “bled” and other leading edge scientific theory of the day…
It’s gotta be the stupid sunny-beach down the street from me, with the old VW van that smokes like it runs on coal. He drives this awful thing ALL THE WAY across town to the organic co-op for his groceries, then gripes about carbon emissions!
Then cries about trans-fat and unhealthy school menus. Have you looked at your waistline lately VW idiot? Maybe a little less Ben & Jerry’s on your organic sprouts and a little more walkin’ to the co-op!
The way they keep calling my little Johnny “he”, “him”, “Mister”, or “Sir”. They should be more respectful of the transgendered community!
John Edwards for President 2008 – “Our First Woman President”
I hate it and think it’s a crime that they demand free speech be labeled as hate speech.
For example, if someone were to put up a billboard along an interstate highway that proclaimed “faggots are weird,” then the liberal nazis would demand a return to the death penalty and start a witch hunt that ends up in a kangaroo court.
I’m surprised you can still by Blazing Saddles at WalMart.
There are so many it’s hard to choose just one. But I’ll go with how they call me a “Fascist” because I won’t cow-tow to their party line.
Gun control, of course.
I hate that like all facists, they can only speak their true beliefs when surrounded by fifty fellow brownshirts, yet think that if you get more then two people to oppose them you are “crushing their dissent”.
Their complete inability to argue without resorting to emotionalism.
By refusing to discuss things logically, they demonstrate the real weakness in their arguments.
All their smug, self-righteous sneering. Behavior like that is just begging for a punch in the dumb monkey face. …Or, at the very least, a wedgie.