I’ve been slack on In My World’s lately, but Extreme Mortman has a good way to say goodbye to Tony Snow: Top Ten Tony Snow Exchanges With Helen Thomas (the exchange ranked number one is classic)
Mary Katharine Ham has a great video well worth watch (unlike all her other stupid videos) of finding the real truth from people at Ground Zero on the anniversary while Twoofers are shouting in the background. I infer from some of the exchanges that the Twoofers have a B.O. problem. How surprising.
Right Wing News has the top 75 right of center website based on Alexa ratings, and IMAO makes the cut. I’ve noticed that IMAO’s Alexa rating has gone significantly down in the past years despite not having a loss in traffic, but I installed an Alexa toolbar on my browser and now IMAO is climbing back up (and SarahK’s site has seen a huge rank increase too). I’m sure how much I trust Alexa as an objective measure. I’m pretty sure if you all get Alexa bars too, IMAO should go even higher and then… well, I’m not sure what that accomplishes.
Oh yeah… bragging rights! (the best kind of rights)
Before? I liked the guy, but was never a big fan of Tony Snow. He was just one of a bunch of talk show hosts and, then, journalists. I had nothing against the guy, but no major interest either.
But as a Press Secretary – G-d Damn! Seriously, if you had to list members of the Bush Administration you’ll miss, he easily makes the top three and you could make a good case he’s been the best Press Secretary of any administration in decades. He didn’t even hit back at the press in the way most people on the right would have wanted (and could only have conceived of doing), but just swatted away baited questions like they were nothing and made anybody who persisted look like idiots in the process. It was only a short time in office, but if they ever came out with a DVD of it, I’d buy it in a second.
Tony Snow is a class act. As WH press secretary he had to chew some pretty chalky turds when it came to justifying the White House stance on ILLEGAL immigration, but I always liked the guy a helluva lot. Back in the day he was my favorite Limbaugh Substitute. I really pray he beats the latest bout with the cancer. I’ll never know why good people like him get sick while Teddy can thrive with a liver that must resemble a large wad of old grape Bubble-licious. No justice.
bragging rights! (the best kind of rights)
Man, I don’t even know you anymore.
The best kind of rights? God-given ones, including the right to keep and bear arms.
For the departure of Snow, and not ordering him to stay, I won’t vote for Bush this year. So there!
Although I can’t say I disagree with the presentation of the new White House Press Secretary.
Why hasn’t Helen Thomas been forced to retire? She looks more and more like the crypt keeper. Surely manditory retirement should be encouraged here, especially since she’s having real problems remembering where she is most of the time, as evidenced by the questions she continues to ask over and over.
Time to put her out to pasture with the rest of the bovine entities.