Question of the Day

So of the commonly named 2012 GOP candidates so far, who is your pick? I’m still hoping we go with my unnamed Republican idea — mysterious conservative Republican in a wrestling mask. I’m not sure if Constitutionally we can elect a president that no one knows who he is, but people don’t care that much about that sort of thing.


  1. I don’t thingk they are widely discussed as candidates – but I’d love to see Tim Pawlenty or Paul Ryan run.

    The commonly mentioned people I don’t want: Newt, Romney, Huckabee, Paul.

  2. Frank, I’m thankful for the way you phrased that question.

    Out of the people commonly suggested, I would take Mrs. Palin. I would, however, be driven to the point of violence when her nomination inspired comments from “conservatives” suggesting she is unelectable. If you are a conservative, you support the conservative candidate. My parents raised me not to act like a child, struck down by fear and envy. Did pundits have any parents?

    I do not care at all for any of the other commonly suggested candidates for a bevy of reasons.

  3. How come Boehner is never mentioned? is it that crying thing? please I can get over that.
    Damn Christie refuses to run……

    I’d like Boehner’s character the most. Strong..willful….and he called one of Obamas bills a Shit Sandwich.

  4. So far, I’ll stick with the Herminator. No Romney, No McCain and for dang sure no Huckabee. Palin, I’m just not too sold on her for now, maybe later. Still wanna see her as secretary of the interior though. I don’t think Christie will run this time, and frankly I’d like to watch him work his magic in Jersey for a bit more. I think it’ll make him nigh invincible in 2016 or 2020.

  5. Hard question. I want Palin if she can win, which is hard to imagine at a time when the MSM is framing her for murder. The only alternative who has Palin values and a chance to beat the MSM smear is Jindal but he’s not running. Has Clint Eastwood tested the waters in Iowa yet?

  6. RON PAUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Gingrich and Palin are far more intelligent than the left, which includes the lamestream media, give them credit for. It would be awesome to see a debate between either of those two, and pretty much anyone the left could come up with. A Gingrich/Palin ticket would be my choice, at this time. I do see Herman Cain as a dark horse candidate, so to speak… To that end, a Cain/Gingrich or Cain/Palin ticket would be acceptable.

    Just had an afterthought, I remember Gingrich sitting down with an MTV crowd, after Clinton had the same deal. The punks asked Gingrich, “Boxers, or briefs.” If you remember, Clinton answered, “Usually boxers, but sometimes briefs..” Gingrich said, “That’s a stupid question.” Would love to hear that answer during a Presidential debate, just once…

  8. I’m somewhat inclined to go for Christie, even though he still refuses to run.

    Mike Pence and Mitch Daniels are the names circulating as of now, and they seem all right. But, heed my warning.

    No Huckabee, No Romney, No McCain, and please no Palin. She is MUCH too polarizing, and I don’t think she has the experience to be the President.

  9. Palin/ Demint. Palin can benefit from overvillification as B Hussein-O can lose from oversaviorfication. They should be the Tea Party ticket, Huckabee and Romney can vie for the Republican nomination. Make the Republican party the third party.

  10. So far we’ve touted:

    – Bush (the 3rd one)
    – Pawlenty
    – Ryan
    – Palin
    – Bachman
    – Jindal
    – DeMint
    – Christie
    – Huckabee
    – Romney
    – Gingrich
    – Pence
    – Perry
    – Cheney (that younger one)
    – Rubio
    – Pretty nearly anybody who can speak in paragraphs instead of sound bites.


  11. Sarah needs to just take her money and go away, even IF she could win (and with the number of fake ‘voters’ increasing by the minute, I doubt she could) having to put up with Bush derangement X 10 for 4/8 years would be too much. Let’s face it, if she was ugly, she wouldn’t have half the supporters (or haters) that she does.
    Since fat people are becoming the newest group that you’re not allowed to hate, Christie would be perfect, every time people complained about him, he could just call them fatists. We haven’t had a fat president for years.

    By the way, we already have a ‘president’ that nobody knows for sure who he is so that rule has already been broken.

  12. Fred Thompson hasn’t told me who to vote for. I can’t vote against Fred Thompson. Trying to cancel out Fred Thompson’s vote I’m sure might cause a rift that will open the 7th gate to hades.

    I’m going to wait until I see someone who is a strait Federalist. I really don’t care too much about a persons beliefs on this or that, but weather he thinks those issues shoud be decided by the individual state or federal government.

    Besides. I think Herman Cain is the only one to launch a exploratory campaign so far.

  13. I know! Cage match with foreign objects allowed. Not foreign like China but foreign like brass knuckles. And cool costumes and belts. All survivors get a cabnet level position and Fred gets to ref.

  14. “If you are a conservative, you support the conservative candidate. My parents raised me not to act like a child, struck down by fear and envy. Did pundits have any parents?”

    I couldn’t agree more, Marko. Which is why I have a bone to pick with so called “conservatives” who sat out the 06 and 08 elections because of, wait for it, WAAAAAAH! To many RINOs being nominated. And to “teach” Republicans a lesson. Thanks to those rocket scientists we’ve “enjoyed” a Democrat congress and Obama for the last 2 years. Great job, you bozos, how did that work out for the nation? Got anymore bright ideas? Crybabies.

    Like you, of the commonly suggested potential GOP candidate I like the most is Sarah Palin. But whomever the Republicans nominate that’s who I’m voting for. The nation can’t afford another 4 years of Obozobama The Commie Clown.

  15. I agree, Infidel, but I am terrified that we’re going to do something immensely mediocre – something called Romney or, with all due respect to that damn cat, Pawlenty.

    In all honesty, I am not terribly enthused by the thought of nominating Palin. But a better option doesn’t appear to have surfaced as of yet.

  16. Palin being President would just make the State of the Union easier to sit through with her being eye candy. My hope is people wake up and go for substance not on who can win. That’s how we got McCain last time.

  17. I have noticed that John Barasso is in the picture every time they fire up a camera on capital hill. I understand he will do the response to the state of the union speech. Is he angling for something? VP maybe? He does have drinks with Darth Cheney occasionally.

  18. My St. Bernard, Pete would be a better candidate than most of those running. He’s a proven right-wing attack dog and if it became necessary, he’s big enough to carry a couple of rocket launchers. He also bites hippies.

  19. I don’t have an decided pick. I’d like:
    someone with the common sense of Glenn Beck
    the fire and willingness to stand tall of Sara Palin
    the business experience and success of Mitt Romney
    the integrity of Ronald Reagan
    the force of will to back things up with muscles of Chuck Norris

    What I don’t want to see is that religious bigot, talking head, former government worker, no nothing, snake oil salesman, liar and cheat Hustler-bee. I might even consider voting for the other moron should he be the nominee. I’d really like someone who knows the meaning of the word integrity (and might be able to spell it) in the White House. After his backroom deal with McCain in the primaries two year ago, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t recognize integrity if it came up to him and kissed him on the nose.

    You did ask.

  20. *room full of monkeys typing legislation
    *robot programmed with the Constitution and the actual dictionary meaning of words like “-fairness and -justice for -all”
    *Each day random person chosen from phone-book is allowed to be president
    *kidnap a leader from a well run country.
    *we go all priests of baal and throw the DC aristocrats in a fire and whose ever God saves them gets to be our ruler.
    *We move DC to Afghanistan and just never get around to replacing them.

    *my white guilt says its time for a women and African American so obviously Whoopie “its not rape rape” Goldberg and Joy “bluuurrpp” Behar” they have the same qualifications for the office that Obama and Hillary had… the race card and the gender card which is all the left needs since none on their side ever questions the marxist path.

  21. Pence or Barbour… But I don’t think Pence will run and the MSM is already playing the racist card on Barbour and it probably will keep him from running…

    If Ms. Cheney runs, she’s on the top of my list, otherwise Pawlenty is my current place holder

  22. Mike Pence: “The president is not our teacher, our tutor, our guide or our ruler. He does not command us, we command him. We serve neither him nor his vision. It is not his job or his prerogative to redefine custom law and beliefs, to appropriate industries, to seize the country as it were by the shoulders or by the throat. As if to impose by the force of theatrical charisma, his justice on 300 million people. It is neither his job nor his prerogative to shift the power of decision away from the people to him and to the accolades of his choosing.” I like Mike.

  23. I really want a candidate with testicular fotitude. That pretty much leaves Barbour and Pence. I like Demint and Ryan as well. Christie is pro illegal, pro mosque at ground zero, pro cap and tax, and has endorsed castle over the conservative. donald trump is a joke.
    I lost respect for Jindal when he let the feds push him around after the oil spill.
    My vote will go to the conservative in the race. If the republicans nominate another mccain like romney, the lizard, or trump, I will do what I did last time and vote for someone else. I will never again be taken in by a rino.

    Ideally we could take that quantum ride, create a combination of Goldwater, Reagan, and Cheney, and rear them for the position in 2012. We could call him Ronbadick!

  24. That is impressive, Chesterton. By the way, do you mind if I call you Chesty? It’s a good nickname with memories of a great man.

    A short bit of research on his voting record gives me a favorable impression of this gentleman from Indiana. I certainly hope he makes a strong effort.

  25. Herman Cain and Allen West so that we can foam at the mouth and scream “RACIST!!” any time anyone so much as questions their choice of tie. Also, I like the fact that the obvious nickname for a President named Herman is the Herminator. Allen West will make sure that both of them carry as much heat as their Secret Service guards – what could be more awesome?

  26. Daniels. IMO, a Palin presidancy would be a disaster. She’s a social conservative but what we need is a fiscal conservative who can actually make the hard decisions necessary to get a balanced budget and he was able to do that in Indiana.

  27. Remember when Rush talked about voters not wanting to watch Hillary get old and grey before their eyes.

    With Hillary that’s no great loss, frankly who would notice?

    But Palin is a babe, and I would hate to see her become haggard and grey from the weight of the world on her shoulders. If there’s a valid reason not to support Palin, that’s it.

    She would be a great Sec of Energy.

  28. Well I’m from Texas but I think Jindal, if he would run, would be excellent. Mostly I’d like to see someone who has experience as a governor and who has completed a term, or better yet has been elected at least twice run for President. Jindal is kind of weak on the “on stage” department, but anyone who can survive as a Republican in Louisiana as long as he has and get as many reforms through, has something going for them. Jindal and Cain would be interesting.
    Failing that, any adult over 35 who is a natural born citizen picked by a lottery would work better than what we have now.

  29. Chris Christie (though he said no to 2012)
    Judd Gregg
    Bobby Jindal
    Rick Perry

    With some tweaking to her public speaking: Jan Brewer, Michelle Bachman for VPs

    I ditto Clemsnman re: Palin as Sec of Energy

  30. Kevin D. Williamson. He has no relevant experience that I know of, but he’s an excellent communicator and he gets it. If you want somebody that people who don’t read “National Review” would recognize, Jim DeMint.

  31. Frank,

    As you may remember I already have the wrestling mask. Unfortunately I am only 31, so I’m not able to run until 2016. Unfortunately this means that if I am running then that we either got Obama 2: Economic Boogaloo, or whoever won on the Republican side is so bad they would actually trust a pro wrestler to become more than governor.

    We boned, ain’t we?

  32. NOT Mitch Daniels. True, he is a fiscal conservative but his overriding concern is with centralized government (easier for him to control that way, y’see). If Mitch had his way there would be no business conducted at the county level. He is poison to libertarians. Make him Treasury Secretary and keep him on a short leash.

    Also, no Huckster for all the reasons stated by seanamahair. Make him Health and Human Services. We want to un-fund everything they do, anyway.

    Mike Pence is good but we need him where he is.

    I like Sarah Palin, but not as President. BTW, because I am female I can say this– she’s shrill. Needs to work on pitch and timbre. srsly. We need her where she is, keeping the MSM busy.

    I heart Newt the same way I heart Dick Cheney, but doubt that he’s electable. Make a kick-ass chief of staff.

    No Mitt. A Ken doll with brains, but not a True Believer in all things conservative/libertarian.

    Ted Nugent for Secretary of Defense. No? How ’bout John Bolton? Heh.

    I like Jindal, Cain, Barbour but are they ready for prime time? Christie is bundles of fun, but lacks true conservative creds, as plentyobailouts states.

    So far, I’m for Ronbadick.

  33. Biggest complaint against Palin is that she’s “divisive” or “unelectable?” She wouldn’t be the first. I remember the same things said about Goldwater (lost big) … and Reagan (won big).

    Having said that, Barbour would be my preference. Although Pawlenty would be an easy one to vote for, too. Heck, I’d be hard pressed to find anyone with an “R” after their name that I wouldn’t vote for over the current crop of Democrats.

  34. @ Rugger, I have never heard Palin to be anything but a fiscal conservative. It is possible to be both socially and fiscally conservative.

    @ Basil, I like Barbour because I want to like him. He’s a great politician and he talks real purty, but I’ll admit to being slightly concerned by the possibility of a G.W. repeat. I will research the man to see if this possibility is founded upon legitimate grounds.

  35. Carolyn: The Akismet filter used by most WordPress blogs (including this one) is run using databases at Automattic (company that developed WordPress). It caught it for some reason. Prob a false positive, since you’re follow-up came through.

  36. I know, Basil, I know.

    By the way, what is truly scaring me right now is Huckabee leading early polls. While they are still just early only polls, I will state for the record that, with God as my witness, I would sooner vote for my pastor’s dog than that man. I will strongly consider writing in “My pastor’s dog” on the ballot if we nominate that man.

  37. I still like my idea of a cloned T-Rex for vice president. Besides being a hands down winner in the debates, Mr. Rex could be sent on diplomatic missions abroad, or to the UN, where his very presence would demonstrate how seriously the US feels about the situation.

    On the question of age qualification, we insist that he is hundreds of millions of years old, and thus qualified, since we are going by the age of his DNA, and not when he was brought back in an ostrich egg. This is important to bring up, because some liberals will probably try to start a Hatcher movement.

  38. I like Paul Ryan, and I like Mitch Daniels too. Mitch is a hard and smart campaigner, and I think that’s very important. Obama’s campaign will be powerful, and include most media.

    He’s also a great conservative governor, and he’s worked in the White House.

    I don’t see anyone who beats Daniels on these aspects, and think he’s rejected for smart attempts to focus on the looming fiscal crisis (comments about making that a priority over social issues have been blown up to some silly RINO claim).

    I find Palin to be a legitimate leader, but very short on experience. She makes mistakes, but that’s almost a plus because it seems to harm her opponents more than her (they go crazy each time). I think she can’t win the general election, just thanks to how easy it is to say she quit (I know, she barely had a choice… still hard for her to win).

    I think the blood is in the water like it wasn’t in 2008. The boring Romney or Huck or TPaw candidates don’t stand a chance this time.

  39. I think it’s lame that you only get to vote for one person… if you’re always picking 1 person out of 2 candidates, how can we ever really rein in the power of the ruling class?

    If there was a Republican in a wrestling mask, I’d totally vote for him…

  40. Culture warriors do not make good presidents. Palin is a more powerful cultural figure being her then I think she would be as president. The media couldn’t even save Obamas fall. The guy is now loathed by left,right, and center and even the black community keeps having flashbacks to the day they realized OJ really was a murderer.

    Back to Palin there are a lot of other positions she would excellent for. Like someone to purge the EPA of communists. Energy czar sounds good to me based on her track record as governor. (i still look for those kinds of things) Produce lots of energy and conserve lots of irreplaceable nature. We just keep ending up with these worst of both worlds now. Where frozen tundras are blocked off while oil wells sit in good farmland and along highways.

  41. Most people think whoever is in the white house controls the universe and blames them for everything. In taking back America many things matter more then the white house. (you know unless you have a one man team like Reagen in there, there is no one on the horizon and probably not in our lifetime)

    1 We desperately need a conservative house and senate.
    2 Keep expanding conservative media to at a minimum disrupt leftist propaganda

    As long as we have those first two things, then in many ways I would prefer a proven executive like Guiliana in the white house who at least respects/owes/depends on social and religious voters.

    Bush was all social conservative but fiscal and military liberal (look up your history) How did that work out for your causes? Do you remember 2009? Your party and ideology discredited/unpopular in the wilderness a wiser less arrogant Obama could have you kept you pinned on the map for a generation for his new deal revolution.

    All I am trying to say is a culture warrior in the white house is not a trump card and in many ways is an expensive liability. Focus on conservative media/congress. Getting the most conservative democrat nominated and the most conservative electable republican nominated. Thats a powerful gameplan on how we can take back America.

  42. Just say no to Christie. He has just elevated a radical Muslim with radical muslim ties to a very high position.

    My pick is always Fred Thompson. For VP could be Palin, Bachmann, maybe a couple others. But my life is always going to feel unfinished if Fred never runs and takes the office.

  43. VDH recent take on Palin is great

    “Palin is scary not so much in 2012, but that she could be around — and be around in an evolving way — for a long time to come.”

    She is your Jessie Jackson, etc.. the burr in the other guys saddle who can show up at something and put it in the news cycle. This is a power cultural conservatives have not really had in my lifetime. Be smarter then the left Use wisely. Also the RINO should be thanking their one testicle that Palin reconnected them to what are often called the “sams club” voters. She made some mistakes nad the media keeps trying to create more for her. She has learned quickly decades of Sarah Palin haunting the left like Jessie Jackson haunts every white person with anything to lose.

  44. “I’m not sure if Constitutionally we can elect a president that no one knows who he is, ”

    Who the hell was O’bama before he was elected? I’d go with the masked conservative…

  45. Here’s a name I don’t see often: Jon Huntsman, former governor of Utah and current ambassador to China.

    A lot of the people whose names are going around are great people, but have either no executive experience (Rubio) or no foreign policy experience (Christie, Pawlenty). Huntsman’s got both. Unlike many of the newly-elected governors who are still serving their first terms, Huntsman was elected twice to the governorship. And being ambassador to China for these last couple years gives him a unique insight into one of our biggest threats/trading partners. And he’s from Utah, so you know he’s conservative.

  46. I like Herman Cain.
    However, there are MANY MANY good candidates if you are a conservative. Enough so that we could fill an entire cabinet with honest servants who believe in our Constitution.
    Heaven on earth is within our grasp. The only trick in not to turn on each other. We need to stand strong. That will be the test.

  47. Okay.

    I’m not old enough to be POTUS yet, but it’s my last election cycle before I am. So, please allow me to use this IMAO forum to declare my candidacy for 2016.

    As President I will encourage children to learn about physics by launching illegal aliens back over into Mexcio. This will teach them about vectors, acceleration, gravity, etc.

    I will build a fence along the border and into the ground and also create at least a mile of other hazards to face (eg. gators, agents with guns and carte blanche to use them) into U.S. territory

    I will make it legal to punch hippies.

    I will make it illegal to be Michael Vick.

    When I am President, Medicare/caid and Social Security begin phasing out

    If the leader of a foreign nation goes to the floor of Congress to criticize our country, I will encourage Congress to pelt said leader with rotten food and/or flying hippies

    Children will grow up and have no idea what adults are talking about when they say, “Obamacare” or “Nationalized Healthcare”

  48. Not acceptable:
    -Romney – I don’t feel like he’s a committed conservative
    -Huckabee – too much a fan of big government
    -McCain – tried and failed miserably
    -Gingrich – I think he’s also a “big government conservative” – remember his ad with Nancy Pelosi for Cap and Tax?
    -Christie – not enough experience, not socially conservative enough, and he’s not running this time
    -Gulianni – pro abortion, among other problems
    -Ron Paul – bat sh!t crazy

    -Daniels – good on social and fiscal issues, but very boring
    -Herman Cain – I like him a lot, but low profile, atm
    -John Thune – no big negatives, sounds the right notes, looks presidential
    -Fred Thompson – he’s Fred F***ing Thompson
    -Pawlenty – his record as governor is very impressive and he’s out there, making noise and saying the all right things

  49. I’d also be open to Jindal, Barbour, and maybe a few other people.

    And finally, Palin. I’m hoping she doesn’t run. The media has created so much hate against her that I think it would be very difficult for her to win. She has some super hard-core supporters, but I think she has even more super hard-core haters, and I don’t think she can win the presidency with that kind of baggage. I like her politics on pretty much every issue, and I think she can do a lot of good on the national stage, but not as President in my opinion.

    My favorite of the bunch is Mike Pence, but he’s probably running for governor of Indiana instead of President. He’s got great fiscal con cred, great social con cred; he’s a great speaker and a strong leader; he’s a Tea Party favorite and he’s got no baggage (that I know of). I think all wings of the party could get behind him. Unfortunately, he’s probably running for governor instead of President. Look for him to be a strong presidential candidate in 2020 (or 2016 if, God forbid, Obama is reelected).

    Of the others, I think I like Pawlenty the best: he’s got a decently high profile and a good, proven track record. I like Herman Cain quite a bit too, from what I’ve seen, but I feel he’s a long shot.

  50. Qualified, someone qualified? Basil my darlin’ man that’s so last century. You might as well ask for someone who has integrity, believes in the constitution, knows what the term service means (concerning public service that is), doesn’t cheat on his wife, his taxes nor does he make backroom political deals. This person would not be a bigot of any kind, he/ she would know the difference between right and wrong and would think of other before himself.

    I don’t think this candidate exists and if they do they sure as shooting don’t want to run for president. Lie down with dogs get up with fleas……..the old saying goes.

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