Where did the phrase “arts and sciences” come from? Why in the world would we group those two things together? “Mom, can I have more money for math and comic books? …No? Why do you hate math?”
Saw a poll asking whether people would want to cut funding for “arts and sciences”. Bet would be different if the two were separated.
So is Herman Cain a real candidate with a chance in the primaries? I’d kind of like a business focused candidate who isn’t Romney.
If we didn’t have the internet, where would we store all our snark?
Now that I’m a father, I seem to be vulnerable to emotions again. I thought I left those back in my childhood.
If someone needs an anti-Mike Pence slogan, here’s a free one: “Pence is a ponce!”
For a pro-Mike Pence slogan: “Mike Pence – Makes Sense”
I’m boycotting CPAC this year. You probably won’t notice since I’ve never been to any of the previous ones.
Maybe it’s because I saw it second, I found the British Office more awkward, less funny. Didn’t really get it.
shhh frank you are gonna mess up my reqst for a 30billion dollar grant for “fighting racism through island vacations.”
I didn’t even discover my snark side until the algore invented the interwebs.
ricky gervais “schtik” gets a little old. Also Americans dont really like to see pathetic lonely people humiliated. We like to see smug entitled jackasses humiliated.
The answer is yes anyway!
We’re too busy whistling past the graveyard to cut “arts and sciences” or “massive, overinflated, unneeded government bureau” – you get the picture. Did you know that the Department of Agriculture employs (Someone correct me if this is wrong) nearly a million? Are we actually supposed to get anything done? It’s rather a miracle we still have a competent military. However, we have neither the guts nor the material strength to fight World War 2 or World War 1 again.
Emotions as a father are good and right. They will cause you to do anything to protect your child, thus making you more conservative.
Pence is not going for Prez.
“If we didn’t have the internet, where would we store all our snark?”
Good question. If I didn’t use the internets to periodically drain my snark tank I’d have to rent a bulldozer to shove my wife’s clothes out the door so I could install another snark tank.
“Emotions as a father are good and right. They will cause you to do anything to protect your child, thus making you more conservative.”
Excellent observation, Marko. And now that I’m a grandfather now it’s doubled for me.
So in other words, now that you are a Father you have turned into a girl? Do you now watch Oprah and such? Not cool for Buttercup who needs a strong distant non-emotional father to blame for all her ills once she get’s to about 16!
I never understood Arts & Sciences either. I was Arts (Trumpet Major) in college and the Science guys were all teh ghey! Maybe it’s because guys like Leonardo Di Caprio back in the dark ages was both an artist and a scientist having painted the Sistine Chapel and also having drawn up a design for a helicopter! Full Snark on!
If we didn’t have the internet, where would we store all our snark?
In a snark bag?
Nowhere. It would just pile up and rot like my compost heap. Then it’s good for fertilizing potatoes or something.
In the olden days, they were called comedians (all 2000 of them!) and most were unemployed. Now there are millions of them and they’re called ‘bloggers.’
“Arts and Sciences” comes from the classic Liberal Arts education. That was back before “Arts” got hijacked by Humanities, and “Sciences” got hijacked by the Federal Research Grant.
Herman Cain does indeed have a chance. It’s the right climate for him right now, I think. Plus, I still envision that one curled up in a fetal position wetting his pants in the corner as soon as a debate with the Hermanator starts. The camera can pan over from the little girl President who’s peeing himself in the corner to Herman Cain who’s just sitting there and hasn’t said a word yet.
Promotion of “arts and sciences,” as enumerated in Section I of the Constitution, refers of course, to copyrights and patents. We know this because Washington never proposed high speed rail. He didn’t even seek to sponsor high speed canals. In fact, one intrepid promoter, A. Arnold Promoter, once tried to sell Washington on the idea of high speed canals, but Washington, citing Constitutional authority, gave Mr. Promoter a musket to the junk.
Hence, we understand that the intent of the Founding Fathers was to musket the junk of anyone seeking to fund arts and sciences.
Why is it called a Liberal Arts Education? I never wanted any part of a Liberal anything! So who’s the braniac that came up with that one? Liberal Arts means if you are a dude, you are going to walk into a class at some point in your studies and there will be a naked dude for you to study! I always feared this during my “education”, but my constant drive to drink more and do more drugs than anyone on campus kept me out of most of my classes. That’s why I’m an IT guy now, I’m not smart enough to do anything else!
Whew…thought I was alone regarding “The Office.” Saw SE Cupp and Greg Gutfeld running down the American version on RedEye and thought they were out of their gourds.
“Now that I’m a father, I seem to be vulnerable to emotions again.”
Well… hang on to that for now. I would respectfully suggest that you plan on putting away again when she hits puberty. Lor’ knows I did with my boys after their first encounter with local law enforcement.
“Now that I’m a father, I seem to be vulnerable to emotions again.”
When tough little boys grow up to be dads, they turn into big babies again.
@Mike (13): Me too.
Headline when Pence drops out of the race: “Pence Punts.”
Thank you, thank you, I’m here all week.
Herman Cain, would he be a mainstream African-American who is articulate, and bright, and clean, and a nice looking guy?
That’s (f)arts & Science!s. The future won’t be won with Arts!, but it just might be won with Science! Win The Future? WTF?
Snark is neither created nor destroyed, it just changes form. You can contain it, but like gas, it wants to fill it’s container.
Future NYT headline: Pence On The Fence about….
Anyone can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a Dad. 🙂
Don’t Be Dense: Pence Makes Sense
Turn in your emotions for safe keeping when Princess Buttercup turns 12. They can be returned when they are playing ‘Butterfly Kisses’ at her wedding.
Now that I’m a father, I seem to be vulnerable to emotions again. I thought I left those back in my childhood
– which is necessary to raise a happy Buttercup;
– which is necessary to be a loving husband; and
– which makes you a stronger, wiser and greater patriot (helps you focus on lasers and stuff)
Random video: Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollow Points – Awesome!
“Saw a poll asking whether people would want to cut funding for “arts and sciences”. Bet would be different if the two were separated.”
Where in the Constitution is the federal government granted the authority to fund either one?
Yeah you’ve gotta watch the British Office first. It’s difficult enough to find humor in something when all the jokes are based on a vernacular and culture that you don’t really relate to. How long did it take you to figure out what ‘redundancies’ were?
If you want to watch some really funny Gervais you should watch his series called “Extras.” It’s side busting funny and for some reason it transcends the vernacular issue. It might be because it’s more about the movie industry so perhaps the wording is more similar than mundane office chit chat.