The Constitution Is Confusing!

Erza Klein has the left’s new excuse why they ignore the Constitution: It’s old and confusing.

One mistake of the Founding Fathers made is not realizing exactly how hard some people would work to be dense and stupid. They thought they had a simple document that outlined things in a simple manned, but that doesn’t stop people from pretending its confusing and nuanced.

FOUNDING FATHERS: “Two plus two equals four. That should be pretty clear.”

LIBERAL: “Oh, that’s so vague. Two and two of what? You can’t even really tell what it means. We’ll need some judges that went to Ivy League schools to really interpret that to the times.”

FOUNDING FATHERS: “Musket to the junk!”

But the Founding Fathers aren’t here anymore to defend their ideals with muskets, so the silliness just goes on and on. Like look how long it took for the Supreme Court to recognize an individual right to bear arms. It was obvious to normal people since the only enforceable part of the 2nd Amendment is “the right to bear arms shall not be infringed”, but to exceptionally stupid the 2nd Amendment is nothing but a confusing statement about militias. And these people who can’t see a right to bear arms when it’s standing right in front of them are the same ones who say the Constitution obviously supports gay marriage. This is why we need to keep the left away from anything that involves enforcing and interpreting the Constitution, i.e., government.

I think a big part of the left’s density when it comes to Constitutional issues is they know what it means but want to change it and know passing amendments is too hard, and they think what they have is too important to wait for some movement to add an amendment. Sorry, but if you think there is some injustice to the Constitution or it leaves something out, you pass an amendment. That’s how slavery was ended. Is whatever piddly-dink social issue you have more important than slavery?


  1. “Bear arms”? What about the arms of other animals? What about the bear’s hind legs. These 19th century guys were vague.

    “illegal search seizure” clearly means you can kill a baby if the cord is still attached. It’s in the penumbra, G Washington was big on penumbras.

    “Congress shall pass no law” doesn’t apply if it was just an appropriations bill. Or if it’s an EPA, IRS, etc., rule.

    Frankly, I’m surprised we still have elections every other year, who knew that was literal?

  2. I went to the park at Washington’s Crossing yesterday morning. There is very little there. Lots of geese, lots of goose poop, trees, a river, and the horrible stench of New Jersey (Why did Washington want to cross into New Jersey?).

    Anyhow, I think liberals are like the goose turds at Washington’s Crossing. America is a nice place; it would be nicer if we didn’t have to walk with our heads down to watch out for goose turds.

  3. Funny you should mention goose poop, Marko, since every time I hear the word “liberal” and or “progressive” one of the cruder and funnier versions of the word poop crosses my mind. Sometimes it’s pigeon poop, other times it’s bull poop, even cat poop, but poop is always involved.

    I hope the new Republican House ennacts a “Fling Poo at Liberals and Progressives Day.” On second thought, better make it a whole month.

  4. Look for democrats to introduce a “new” Constitution to replace the existing one, that specifically promotes socialist ideals and democrat pet projects…and look for Boehner to “compromise” with the democrats and go along with a slightly revised version of it.

  5. The reason the founders didn’t write in the musket to the junk provision was that they were wise. Liberals have no junk and the Founders knew this! They weren’t sure how to elegantly write mangina, so they just left it out all together, but they knew a metrosexual when they saw one. Back then I think they tarred and feathered them and rode them out of town on a rail!

  6. As a homework assignment, each member of Congress should be required to re-write the Constitution in words of one syllable to prove that they really understand it.
    Extra credit if they can make it rhyme.

  7. Haha, “Musket to the junk!” Is that anything like “BOOT TO THE HEAD!”? And for those who don’t know what I’m talking about, go on YouTube and search “boot to the head”. You’ll laugh until it hurts.

    Oh, and regarding Son of Bob’s post, I wonder how long a “Liberal Constitution” would be. The real one is only a few pages long, if that, but I imagine the moonbats would come up with something that would fill a bookshelf! And it would be “amended” constantly, and absurdly. The book Animal Farm comes to mind…

  8. A Liberal Nutroot feels “Illegal Searching Seizure” discriminates against “Undocumented Aliens” suffering from epilepsy and calls for an immediate subsidy for that increasingly-marginalized special interest group.

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