Hillary Clinton: 911 Operator

[High Praise! to Michelle Obama’s Mirror]

CITIZEN: Hello!? Somebody just kicked down my door, they’re in the house; they’ve got guns!

911 OPERATOR: I’m sorry, given the speed of the attack we won’t be able to get there in time.

CITIZEN: What are you talking about!! Someone’s broken into my house! I need help!

911 OPERATOR: I’m sorry ma’am, we’re not allowed to deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing exactly what’s going on in real time.

CITIZEN: I’m telling you what’s going on in real time you moron! There are home invaders here – with guns! They’re going to kill me and my children!

911 OPERATOR: I’m very sorry ma’am. But our stats indicate we won’t be able to get there in time to help. Death is a part of life. Do you have any messages you’d like me to pass on to your survivors?


  1. 911 OPERATOR: Do you have any messages you would like to pass on to your survivors?

    CITIZEN: Yes. I wish I was allowed to have a gun for self defense.

    911 OPERATOR: Got it. You want us to tell your survivors that we will get the ones responsible for the YouTube video.

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