Random Thought: Arrested Development, Generation X, and Chirps

I’m apparently the only one who didn’t hate the second episode of the new season of Arrested Development. I just remember being entertained by it.

I just don’t understand why a kind and loving God would make so many atheists such obnoxious jerks.

Born in ’79, I’ve never been sure if I’m in Generation X or not. What are the symptoms to look for?

Humble Indie Bundle really good this time — in fact, I had already purchased a number of those games.

So new Arrested Development episodes and Dan Harmon in talks to return to Community; now I’m just waiting for some Firefly news…

We should just be happy for American portions. We still have more than twice as many episodes of Firefly than we do of Sherlock.

Tracking down the chirping smoke detector is the most infuriating thing ever. I think I’d rather die in a fire.

Pulled down every smoke detector looking for it. Was the carbon monoxide detector plugged in the guest room. Forgot about that one…

So my new son just sleep and eats all day. Then again, he has no job and few responsibilities.

I guess I had really low expectations for Arrested Development season 4 – like DVD bonus feature quality – which is why I’m not as down on it as most people.

The IRS is targeting the right, the DOJ is after journalists, and Transformers 4 is filming but Obama claims he has nothing to do with it.


  1. Please, no new Firefly. Its ten years later and as much as I love the show, lets face it, none of the Trek sequels compare with the original. Neither do any of the Star Wars sequels. Other than the re-imaged Battlestar Galactica, is there any sci fi work that has better sequels than the original?

  2. The Tobias focused episode with him dressed as The Thing and “To Catch a Local Predator” was very funny. The parts focusing on his character have been the best so far of this season. I am going to stretch the rest of the episodes out for a while, but I am hoping for more Buster. The show hasn’t been quite as funny as some of the previous seasons, but it is still pretty good overall and I am going to start celebrating Cinco de Cuatro.

    I also really hope they manage to bring back Annyong for a cameo since he was my favorite minor character.

    And thanks for the heads up for the humble bumble. The last one you posted I think I already had a couple of them, but I didn’t have any of these.

  3. I don’t know which is funnier.
    A) The character they thought was named “Annyong” when he was saying “annyong” (or “annyeong”) which is Korean for “hello” – and his name is actually “Hel-loh” (or “Halu”).
    B) The SCTV skit where John Candy played Glenn Milstead, whose character Divine, was playing Mary Martin’s Peter Pan; a male playing a male playing a female playing a female playing a male.

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