Did they do the recount yet to confirm whether Sanford won?
Of course Hillary Clinton is qualified for the job. She was a first lady. And like a lawyer or something. I think.
We all agree by now that the White House was either extremely stupid or extremely dishonest to blame a YouTube video, right? #Benghazi
The Democrats never seem interested in national security, so why don’t they just let the Republicans handle that? Seems less contentious.
It would have been more respectful if Elijah Cummings has just stood up and started singing, “The Circle of Life.”
Somehow I completely missed hearing about Jodi Arias until today. So close to never hearing about her!
We need more lady murderers for equality.
When did America jump the shark? I’m thinking the 80s.
“the White House was either extremely stupid or extremely dishonest…”
I think that’s an “and” rather than an “either/or”.
Why does MSM cover “local crime” stories in Cleveland and Phoenix but not Philadelphia?
When did America jump the shark? I’m thinking the 80s.
In the 1980s, we elected Ronald Reagan President twice, and George H. W. Bush President once (I’m assuming that you don’t mean the 1880s, when we elected James Garfield, Grover Cleveland, and Benjamin Harrison), so I don’t think that America jumped the shark then. In the 1990s, we elected Bill Clinton twice (and Audrey Hepburn died on his first inauguration day), so that’s probably when it happened.
@3, you beat me to it! I was going to say the day WJC was inaugurated–the 80s were entirely too awesome for any shark-jumping. Didn’t know the fact about Audrey Hepburn–my 16 yr old daughter loves her!
YGDFT!YLTATSOTE! The female of the species is deadlier than the male. -Kipling.
Classic Literature Bacon to seanmahair!