Random Thoughts: Simpsons, Elizabeth Warren, and 3D Printers

Can’t believe Simpsons Tapped Out made so much; premimum stuff off by factor of 10 from what I’d be willing to pay.

The timewaster stuff can be fun, but even I were a billionaire I don’t think I could justify dropping $100 on one.

The Gosnell case is revealing that many who call themselves “pro-choice” haven’t confronted the reality of the choice they’re supporting.

The Elizabeth Warren fans are just as gullible as the John Edwards fans.

To help protect Texas’s job growth, Rick Perry probably should have barred Obama from visiting the state.

We have to crack down on 3D printed guns to stop all the gang bangers with access to and know how of 3D printers.

They’re going to put up a “Gun Free, Download Free Zone” sign and keep your kids safe.

Is there really someone in the State Department so dumb as to think blocking a download has any possibility of being effective?

So Whitney being canceled means more of chance Community won’t be. I DON’T CARE! I STILL LIKE THAT SHOW!


  1. will the media recognize the treat to the 1st amendment inherent in 3D printer assault? 3D printers today, tomorrow the ball point. they can have my 3D printer when they pry it from my cold dead hands (well, if i had one)

  2. Is there really someone in the State Department so dumb as to think blocking a download has any possibility of being effective?

    The same people who provided “security” for the Benghazi consulate? You have to ask if they’re dumb?

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