This Post Is Going to Get Me Audited, Isn’t It?

[High Praise! to Transterrestrial Musings and Megan McArdle]

The real scandal is that all these complicated tax rules exist. If we would just eliminate the corporate income tax, then people could organize groups, or not, just as they please. And the IRS would not be in the position of deciding what counts as excessive political activity.


  1. Harvey,
    You should be more worried about going to Hell than being audited by the IRS.

    Ask yourself this. Can you be a Libertarian and a Christian at the same time? NO! Its not possible. Libertarianism is incompatible with Christianity. That’s probably why the Church of Satan is a Libertarian organization….

    Oooops. Sorry I forgot. You are a Atheist. Yeah this post will get you audited

  2. @3 Rayfan87

    yes, it would. but then the politicians couldn’t hand out goodies. the tax system should be about raising revenue. instead, it is about social engineering and favors. flat tax would take that away.

    flat tax with NO deductions or exemptions. wide base, low rate. but already it would be said, “why, there must be a standard deduction. what about the poor people?” and “why, you can’t tax churches! thas’t unconstitutional!” no it isn’t, but you get my point as i get yours.

  3. Yep, Libertarianism is incompatible with Christianity. Like Mac and Windows, and XBOX and Playstation, and metric and standard size wrenches. Too bad Jesus didn’t publish a better API then maybe those GD Libertarians could have designed a compatible plug-in.

  4. JW,
    I’m not picking on Harvey I am just pointing that the Final Audit, the BIG Audit at the end of your life is the only one that really counts.

    The worst that Obama can do is steal your money. Libertarianism (which is just Levay satanism minus the ceremonies) can steal your soul. Eternity is a longtime. Don’t spend it it Hell.

  5. In an interview the Church of Satan’s High Priest Peter Gilmore said,

    Satanists are generally Libertarians. They may choose their specific political alliances because it might better whatever they are trying to do in their lives, but essentially most of us are fairly libertarian people. We would like to have government as minimal as possible.”

  6. I’ll ask the obvious question: why does Carpenter know so much about the Church of Satan? Former member? Current member? High priest?

    Definitely getting at least a Westboro Baptist vibe…

    Anyway, as to the logic of the statement, I’ll simply mention that all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares.

  7. Why all the hate on libertarians?
    I thought you told us the Mormons were the spawn of satan.
    Now I can’t trust anything you say.

    Yeah I was going to bring that up the other day but just didn’t have the energy. As a SoS (Spawn of Satan) myself I have found it educational to see just what kind of nonsense would come from that particular corner. I wish those people would get some new material. The old stuff is so last century.

  8. @24 – If I’m remember my Mormon theology correctly, SoS should stand for “Sibling of Satan”.

    Which, as a concept, doesn’t bother me much. I mean, hey, EVERY family has a black sheep.

    And I wouldn’t even care if you were Satan’s daughter. Doesn’t mean you can’t be a good person. A LOT of great people have lousy parents. I’ve never bought into any sort of “corrupted blood” nonsense. Humans are individuals and should only be judged by the choices they make. Heritage is irrelevant.

  9. Harvey,
    Humans will be judged by the choices they make. That was my point. The final audit is the only one that really matters.

    And how is it hateful to point out the truth about Libertarianism and its relationship to Satanism. Philosophically there is very very very little difference between them.

  10. Yeah, but you KEEP pointing it out, on every post, in every comment, whether it’s on-topic or not.

    Carpenter, this is a humor blog. People are trying to have fun here.

    Get off the soap box once in a while. Make a pun, tell a joke, make fun of the Irish… SOMETHING.

    Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, as it were.

    Here try this:

    “Anton LaVey walks into a bar…”

    Your turn…

  11. When I was a kid, I made the mistake once of fishing with a treble hook. Couldn’t get it out of the fish’s mouth without cutting the poor fish’s mouth apart.

    I don’t know why I thought of this.

  12. @27: “Anton LaVey walks into a bar…”

    .. and says, “Gimme a gin Antonic.”

    The bartender asks, “Did you sa tanic?”

    Anton says, “Who are you, Carpenter?”

    The bartender answers, “No, but I have gone on Ayn Rant or two.”

  13. 1. ONE rate, paid by all (this means you, 47%). No deductions, no exemptions, no exceptions. A REALLY fair share.
    2. No withholding. Pay your taxes on the way in to vote.
    3. Every law applies equally to every person. No exceptions, regardless of skin color, electile status, nothing.

  14. @30 i agree with points 1 and 3. as for #2, many don’t vote and more would stop voting. this would be very much a two edged sword. The Fair Tax would avoid that, though i prefer the Flat Tax, myself for other reasons.

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