Uh… What’s Going on Again?

I think I should write some more political commentary, but I totally can’t remember what going on since Cheney shot his friend in the face with a shotgun. I mean, my memory is totally wiped.
There’s like a war going on, right?


  1. There are so many other things going on in the world right now that are more important…Such as:
    Our former VP going to Saudi and claiming that we snatch Muslims off the street and detain them in deplorable conditions. And this guy was almost elected President?
    Thank God for Bush

  2. You could compose a letter to militant Islam explaining in careful detail why it’s not possible to take over the world by burning down a local KFC. They seem to have trouble grasping this concept. Oh, and let them know also, that threatening “Denmark and Norway” is just kind of gay.

  3. This is the most important story in HUMAN HISTORY!
    The real story they’re not telling you is that they were hunting aliens that escaped from Area-51. Cheney was having an affair with the alien queen, and the escapees were getting ready to call the New York Times. In the confusion, Cheney shot what he thought was a replicant (the aliens are metamorphs, you know) but it was actually the REAL Whittington. Of course, the case of beer Cheney drank immediately prior to the incident, the crack he smoked, and the super-soldier serum he injected may have affected his judgment.
    (I know, it’s still too plausible to be posted at DU or Kos)

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