Thought for the Day

I don’t quite care for Oklahoma.

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  1. USSJC
    Yes but he is originally from Texas. Just went to college in Oklahoma.
    I think Oklahoma is OK, doesn’t suck as bad as some other states(although I shouldn’t admit that as I am required to hate OK as a Texan)

  2. Wasn’t born in OK, but did live there for a few years (and hope to move back some day). Loved the place, the people, the rural attitude. Of course, I don’t give a rat’s backside about California (shoot me first before I’d ever move there) or the liberal east coast.

  3. The only real problem with Oklahoma is that it seems to rain on me every time I drive through the state.
    That, and the fact that Oklahoma is standing between Mizzou and a College Football Championship.
    Should be an interesting game.

  4. Here’s one Texan who will stand up for OK. The folks there are “leave us alone” conservatives who elected Inhofe, Largent, and Watts. Great hunting, fishing and some beautiful country.
    If they’d boot out that moron Drew Edmondson, everything would be fine.
    Oh and sorry Mizzou- The Sooners will roll.

  5. The only thing Oklahoma has to recommend it that I know of is that it is where you would have to drive through if you were driving to Idaho for Thanksgiving and thus moving there from Florida.
    And if you didn’t like it in particular, and now your sister even has to post for you, and the last post at mountaineer musings was indicating a trip driving to Boise…
    And spacemonkey and Harvey are actually working reliably – perhaps out of pity… And it doesn’t take that long to go from Florida to Boise…
    I would guess you ran into trouble in OK. Perhaps literally.

  6. “Is it because of the diluted beer?”
    Who in the right mind would ever dilute beer? That’s a hate crime right there!
    “That, and the thinly veiled racism towards bi-racial (as though we’re all soooo different) couples.”
    I can’t stand that. I’m at the point now that if my wife and I get funny looks from anyone, I just figure they’re retarded… or hang out at DailyKos.
    Oklahoma was pretty boring to drive through… that’s all I really know about it.

  7. I’ve been through OK twice, at a very high rate of speed. Loved the “do not drive into smoke” signs. We don’t do wildfires where I live. Our signs that the locals ignore read “do not drive when water covers road”. At least they have something completely different!

  8. ok,I have to stop my habit of merely blurking on this wonderful site to ask Frank, WHY??? We sent 2 of the most conservative senators there are to Washington! Inhofe is the only one not drinking the kool-aid on global warming, and Colburn is ripping everyone on pork-barrel spending.
    And, the football is pretty d@mn good here, too!

  9. When Adrian Peterson (Our Running Back here in Minneapolis) had a choice to make between going to college in Texas and Ok., he though “only queers and steers are from Texas” and I don’t have horns so I’m going to OK. Then he broke his collar-bone and all the gay NFL teams wimped out on him except my Vikings and now he is THE BEST RUNNING BACK OF ALL TIME…PERIOD!!! And if you don’t believe this you are like totally gay or something…

  10. Once the Sooners [rather than Laters] do their duty and beat MO 1 mo time, the Buckeyes can take their rightful place in the game of the year.
    I just hope they don’t get spanked like before if it happens.

  11. Yes, agip is correct….we’ve got several good microbrews available here. The only ‘diluted’ beer (3.2) are the large, piss-tasting macro-breweries (Budweiser, Coors, Miller….)you don’t wanna drink that crap anyway.

    Alamo, I keep hearing more Texans with your same sentiment. I being a typical Oklahoman, have always hated Texas, but in all honesty all Okies and Texans are gun-totin, beer-drinking, sister-swappin cousins.

  12. OK is a state just like any other except no Kennedy’s ever came from there and also it was one of the states that we won from Mexico in that little war when we beat them maybe they need to taught another lesson. Texas might be bigger but only in OK can you cook up a Longhorn.

  13. USSJC-
    Adrian Peterson is a product of my hometown highschool, Palestine, TX. He’s actually a pretty good kid, and man you should have seen him run the ball when he was a “kid”- Man among boys is more like it.
    He went to Sooner U because he was on the sidelines in Austin for a recruiting trip when OK stomped Texas. Seemed at the time that OU was alot closer to a national championship. I guess he never counted on Mac Brown turning Vince Young loose. Imagine what that Longhorn national championship team would have been like with Peterson and Young.
    Anyway, enjoy the kid in Minnesota. Barring injury, I think you’re right; hes the best in the business right now.

  14. Andrew, the point of nuking the moon is that there is no point in nuking the moon. It’s senseless, insane violence for the sake of senseless insane violence. Now, if you’re from Texas, then nuking Oklahoma just makes sense, so that doesn’t really work, does it? On the other hand, nuking Nebraska would be an utterly senseless outrage, so clearly nuking Nebraska makes perfect sense. Plus, there’s the alliteration: “Nuke Nebraska” is so much more euphonic than “Nuke Oklahoma.”

  15. I proudly served on the USS Oklahoma City (SSN-723 “The Sooner The Better”). The Oklahomans (Okies? Oklahombodians? Oklahasians? Sooners?) I met when we hosted members of our namesake city were some great patriots, and great Americans.
    So, even though their state is shaped more than a little like a meat-cleaver, and their biggest exports seem to be people moving to other states, fake indian artifacts, and ash trays shaped like cowboy hats, that doesn’t make them any worse than say, Wyoming. 🙂

  16. I proudly served on the USS Oklahoma City (SSN-723 “The Sooner The Better”). The Oklahomans (Okies? Oklahombodians? Oklahasians? Sooners?) I met when we hosted members of our namesake city were some great patriots, and great Americans.
    We’re called Okies, Sean. Okies. Like okra only not spelled the same. : )

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