Rehabilitating Mel

It must suck to be Mel Gibson right now. And I say “right now” because at one time, it was great to be Mel Gibson. Or so it seemed.

He had a bunch of hit movies. Like Lethal Weapon and Lethal Weapon 2 and Lethal Weapon 3 and …

Actually, he had a lot of hit movies … as well as some not so hit movies.

But, for a while, he was golden.

Now, not so much. First, there was his drunk driven arrest about four years back. Now, there’s the audio tapes (more than one) of his argument with his girlfriend. You usually have to attend a cabinet meeting featuring both Rahm Emanuel and Joe Biden to get that much crazy and profanity in one place.

Right now, if you read the news, Mel Gibson is seen at Satan incarnate. And, though he’s a talented actor, director and screenwriter, it seems that his career might be over. Unless he can be rehabilitated. But, is that possible? I think it might be.

It will be tough, though. Giving money to save the rain forest won’t work. He’s done that. Give millions to help sick children? Done that. No, that’s not nearly enough.

So, what would it take to rehabilitate Mel Gibson?

  • The promise to not make Mad Max 4.
  • The promise to not make Lethal Weapon 5.
  • The promise to not make What Women Want II.
  • Claim an oil spill that occurred 457 days after George Bush left office is Bush’s fault.
  • Claim a terrorist attack that occurred 234 days after George Bush took office is Bush’s fault.
  • Declare 9/11 an inside job.
  • Make a movie with Hugo Chavez.
  • Call the Tea Party “too white” then call for the only black on the Supreme Court to resign.
  • Drug and anally rape a 13-year-old girl.
  • Hang around a polling place with a bat, threatening to kill some crackers.

Perhaps this would be enough to return Mel Gibson to everyone’s good graces.

Is he crazy? Yeah, probably. But, he’s not the right kind of crazy. He needs to be batsh*t crazy, barking moonbat crazy, to get his career back.

I’m not sure it’s worth it.


  1. he could drive a hybrid made out of parts flown over in a from six places halfway across the globe. He could live in a house with five vanities and seven bathrooms so he can stop all attempts at hygeine but only for the reason that it “goes well” with patchouli pumice that the website claims to be from untouched reaces of a white tigers haunches each ingredient flown over from places with names no one cares to pronounce, all costing somewhere around $4,000. He would then be justified to run a non profit clinic for underpriveledged children as long as the children are only anally raped by people who idolize matt damon. He would get bonus points for seeing nothing wrong with making that distinction.

  2. Forget it folks, he’s done. Hollywood can forgive the Jew-bashing, but black bashing is not in their jurisprudence to forgive. Racism is second only to child murder (maybe) in the liberal mind. Hopefully he doesn’t crawl on his belly to Jesse Jackson like Michael Richards did (for naught).

    Hell, with his money he should put out a remake of “Birth of a Nation”. I know I’d go see it…

  3. I have never heard conservatives even southerners mention birth of a nation no one I have ever asked about it even knew what it was and my wife is from Kentucky. I had never even heard of it until lefties kept bring it up so I googled it. For leftists its like their anti-bible it gives them hope that all the bullshit they believe is totally F@#$n right.

    So in short If i see someone mention birth of a nation and offer to go see it my lefty sociopath alarm goes off.

  4. I’m glad no one was rolling tape when I found out my wife had racked up $22,000 in credit card charges back in 93.
    We’re still together, the bills were paid (finally, three years later), and I never did any of the things I threatened to do at the time.
    Who can say they never said anything in what they thought was a private conversation that they wouldn’t have said if they knew it would become public?

  5. >> Drug and anally rape a 13-year-old girl.
    this is the key to freedom and longevity

    i have to say, mel is getting alot of crap, but i really dont think he is racist, he left his wife to be with a woman who he thought loved him, but she only turned out to be cheating on him too. knowing a similar situation (cheated on for “never sharing feelings”) i can tell you that its part of human reaction, part of closure to hurt the person in any way possible. now, ruling out physical hurt, we are left with emotional, and at that point, have to say some pretty harsh stuff to feel better. now ive got the reserve to have simply said it all to my self, but then again, im not in mel’s situation.

    its likely that in one of his calls (unrecorded) that he called her something funny sounding, like a “flucking skengbab” because like i said, its pretty common to just blurt stuff out.

    the same in a fight. if you are ever suddenly thrust into a fight, you tend to really go off the deep end in your taunting, you will say all kinda stuff you hope isnt being recorded, and you cant help it, its literally a part of being a male human.

    its called a male dominance display, and all the dudes here probably know a time or two that this has happened. im not saying he doesnt have anger issues (which is probably does, given the amount of times he had done this) but that those issues are only intensifying something that is biological. its not right what he did, but its not like he is some kind of wife murdering racist (which is what he is being made out to be)

  6. Lots of good points Ze Head Doctor.

    He is the wrong color to get away with wife murdering. Black or Arab they can get away with wife murdering. Arabs since 9/11 can get away with wife,family,sister, etc.. murder and the left media will overlook it in the top down from billion dollar movies to penny blogs.

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