“Uhhh, I dunno…maybe we can sweat our way out of this?” – my central nervous system responding to any situation
— Bryan Donaldson (@TheNardvark) January 28, 2013
We’ll see the Osama death photo before we see the Obama skeet photo.
— Knifework (@knifework) January 28, 2013
Dear Hollywood: I’m not interested in the “origin story.” Thank you.
— Fun_Beard (@Fun_Beard) January 28, 2013
I’d support amnesty for illegal aliens if every citizen got to commit a crime and then got a mulligan. Deal?
— DrewM (@DrewMTips) January 28, 2013
Political scientists will struggle to explain GOP that votes to up Latino share of electorate while doing nothing else to win their votes.
— Ross Douthat (@DouthatNYT) January 28, 2013
Check this one out: 1
— Anti Joke Book™ (@AntiJokeBook) January 28, 2013
Here’s a suggestion for the Republicans to put forth to get more of the Hispanic vote. Pass a bill allowing Mexico to annex the whole United States. This new part of what would become greater Mexico to be renamed…Los Estados Unidos de Alta Mexico. Gringos can stay but they have to pay a fine and learn to speak Spanish. It’s a sure fire winner, should get them all kinds of Hispanic votes!