Bacon TV!

[High Praise! (and Bacon!) to Anonymiss of Nuking Politics]

Apparently there’s a TV show called “The United States of Bacon“, where some fat guy with a camera crew goes around the country chowing on piggy goodness.

Why did no one tell me this before now?


  1. Because you’re already eating too much bacon?

    Yeah, and cookies from Miss Anony!

    Hey! Send cookies to:

    Jimmy Needs Cookies
    PO Cookie Box: ♥♥♥♥♥
    Cookie, WA ⌐ΘvΘ¬

  2. No one told you because it’s a national secret, much like…who’s really responsible for Benghazi. Who sicked the IRS onto conservative groups, why do we need a second amendment? Or a first one for that matter. These are deep dark secrets…do you have a need to know?

  3. This is the stuff of nightmares! You’re being deceived people: bacon is the devil. Eating bacon is Satan worship!

    No, but seriously, bacon is gross and I don’t know what’s wrong with you people who like it, you clearly need mental help.

  4. YGDFT!YLTASOTE! Life is short eat bacon and or dessert first.

    Bacon is not “gross”. IMAO tofu is gross, liver is gross, beer is gross. People eat a lot of “gross” stuff, always have, always will. Don’t like it don’t eat it. Eat and let eat ; P

  5. . . . liver is gross, beer is gross.

    I’ll grant you beef liver, and American beer, but pork liver, ground to a paste (with some bacon!) and pushed into a sausage casing (Leberwurst), served on rye toast with a nice German beer on the side, is a meal hard to beat. Mmmmmm, pig liver . . .

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