Straight Line of the Day: While Visiting Russia, John Kerry…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

While visiting Russia, John Kerry…


  1. …was awarded the “Hero of the Russian Federation” medal for his work during and after the Vietnam conflict. No word yet about throwing it over the fence at the Kremlin.

  2. While visiting Russia, John Kerry…

    …was stupefied they didn’t understand French.

    …was shocked to find out Communism didn’t work out.

    …was replaced with an animatronic dummy and no one noticed.

    …asked if there was anything he could blame Bush about for them.

    …asked them for instructions on operating a Gulag, just in case the Republicans got to uppity.

  3. While visiting Russia, John Kerry…was treated to elevator music while waiting for putin to give a rats behind he was there.

    While visiting Russia, John Kerry…was mistaken for the butler

    While visiting Russia, John Kerry…kept trying on burkass

    While visiting Russia, John Kerry…kept having to remind people he was a dipLOmat not a DIP door mat

  4. …had to pee like a Russian racehorse.

    …asked Putin if he would heal all of Obama’s Czars.

    …mangled the translation and had ten husky Siberians sent back to Obama.

  5. …Got chest pains form drinking too much wodka, felt his Heart On Fire, decided to run through the Rocky 4 training montage and cap it off by climbing the mountain at the end, raising his arms skyward and screaming “RUBIO!!!!! RUBIO!!!!! RUBIOOOOOOO!!!!”

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