Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
If Hillary becomes President, her Supreme Court nominee…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
If Hillary becomes President, her Supreme Court nominee…
…will answer each and every question with “Pardon?”
…will be sworn in on a copy of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”…
…won’t be no ways tarred…
…will fit right in with the rest of the “Chick Clique”…
Will obviously be the highest bidder.
. . . will die in mysterious circumstances after she answers a question about her relationship with Hillary.
If Hillary becomes President, her Supreme Court nominee…
will be herself, or are you saying a Womyn is not up to doing two jobs? You sexist!
will be someone who doesn’t look good in a blue dress.
Given Hillary’s Commie leanings, I would suggest an appropriately named Judge… Perhaps All Red, Gloria.
…will be Bill.
…will be pro abortion, will have had an abortion, even performed an abortion and just to prove how pro abortion she is will have performed an abortion while undergoing one at a pro choice rally.
…will walk thuddingly and carry a big rubber stamp.
…will reject logic, precedent and constitutionality in favor of quoting rap lyrics.
…will be a quixotic attempt to break up the Catholic/Jewish grip on the court.
If Hillary becomes President, her Supreme Court nominee…
won’t really matter as the US is doomed, DOOMED!
If Hillary becomes President, her Supreme Court nominee…
…will make her King
… may be a puppet, but not a Muppet like the Swedish Chef because he got Bork Bork Borked.
Will look amazing in a blue dress.
… will take penumbrage to a new level.
… will once and for all answer the age-old question about the Supreme Court: “What deference does it make?”
If Hillary Becomes President, Her Supreme Court Nominee…
… will either be a ciderblock or outer space, because, as she has already said, “At this time, what difference does it make?”.
… will at least know what the definition of the word “is”. Or maybe not…
… will have so little knowledge of technology, they will think that you actually do wipe an email server with a cloth. Just not a blue cloth, they stain.