Keith Olbermann Extra Special Comment

All the wisdom of Keith Olbermann condensed into one short video. Probably the most childish thing I’ve ever made (which is saying a lot), but try and watch it and not laugh. Also, I still think it’s accurate.

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  1. On the contrary, tom. That shoe fits you. Wear it every day. Olbermann is a self-serving, lying, axe-grinding cynic who ought to be clubbed over the head with his own verbiage. Right on Frank!

  2. Ah, jimmy, jimmy, jimmy. Another brain-dead dittohead weighs in. I suspect you would rather listen to Little Seanie Hannity or Rush Limpballs piss and moan and lie and spin than to have Olbermann tell it like it really is. The truth hurts, don’t it, pantload?

  3. Oh, tom. You cut me to the quick! Inviting me to slash you to oblivion. Do you really want that?
    I don’t think you can handle the truth, guy. The philosophical implications of your remarks are beyond this site. We simply don’t have time to elaborate – you know, like IDEAS aren’t very important to you, ARE THEY?
    You can kiss my big IRISH BUTT. On the other hand, I guarantee you – if you knew – you’d be totally surprised at the real answer. ~Yours truly.

  4. Well, then, skid off into anonymity. Your attempt at humor MISSES the FrankJ mark. Like so many today, you HAVE NO CLUE who you’re talking too or what you’re saying. Try reducing it to some first principles – like in those in our constitution. Present your objections clearly – and with humor. That way, the other readers here might pay attention.

  5. Lemme try like tom….
    But I can’t think of any good names to call, so I’ll just replace them with tags:
    “[bad insult][bad analogy][/bad insult]
    [bad insult][baseless accusation]
    [stupid name calling][/bad insult]
    [opinion][/opinion][bad insult][/bad insult]”
    How did I do?

  6. Misguided? Not me.
    GDumbya is misguided.
    Darth Cheney is misguided.
    I am just sadly along for the ride with you and the rest of the 28 percent dead-enders who apparently still support these neocon whackos.
    [Heh. GDumbya. He combined “dumb” and GDubya. And “Darth Cheney.” He took the first part of Darth Vader’s name and put in front of Cheney’s name. That’s really smart and funny and original and not at all tedious. -Ed.]

  7. You want a total burn? Spell the president’s name with a dollar sign replacing the “s”. BU$H! HA HA!
    Cause, like, money’s bad and he has a lot of, um… well, cause the war for oil and then Halliburton… Look, it’s just a total burn, okay!! I’m speaking TRUTH to power — through creative MISSPELLINGS!!!1

  8. [Huh? Where did these trolls come from and what’s motivating them? -Ed.]
    Not sure where they’re coming from, but if they get your address and come to your house to harass you, might I suggest the following twelve step proceedure:
    1. Headshot
    2. Headshot
    3. Headshot
    4. Headshot
    5. Headshot
    6. Headshot
    7. Headshot
    8. Reload
    9. Headshot
    10. Headshot
    11. Headshot
    12. Headshot
    I’m assuming a 1911A1 with a 7 round mag, you can adjust the order if you feel the need to use an 8 rounder.
    [We keep 8-rd Wilson Combat magazines in our .45s. -Ed.]

  9. [Heh. GDumbya. He combined “dumb” and GDubya. And “Darth Cheney.” He took the first part of Darth Vader’s name and put in front of Cheney’s name. That’s really smart and funny and original and not at all tedious. -Ed.]

    Good thing Rumsfeld’s not around, tom might make some original comment about him murdering people with his bare hands, which is something we at IMAO have never heard of before.

  10. I very nearly peed my pants watching that. It is a terrible, childish character assassination, but also the funniest video I have seen in a long time! Bravo!
    And thank you for making the entire post release into newsfeed. I was on the verge of giving up on IMAO in despair, but now I’m back!

  11. You’ve all fallen victim to one of the classic blunders!
    The most famous is “Never get involved in a land war in Asia.”
    But only slightly less well known is this:
    “Never attempt a battle of wits with an unarmed person!”
    Poor Little Tom – he didn’t stand a chance against you mean, mean men…..
    And – honstly Frank —
    All the wisdom of Keith Olbermann…
    — I’m surprised it was THAT long….

  12. Yes, it was childish. It was also funny enough to laugh out loud. I thought it was better than the Mitt Ocean videos which are too confining for your style.
    As for the YouTube ratings, who cares? That’s the general populace, not the IMAO customer base. Nordstroms makes a lot of money selling women’s shoes. The fact that they miss out on the 78% of the population that isn’t in the market for high quality, high-fashion shoes doesn’t take away from the fact they make a good living selling those shoes.

  13. You’re all a bunch of Nazi-ass, gun-totin’, backwater trailer park breeders!
    Did I get it right? Oh, wait-
    Neo-Con-artists! Racist blue eyed devils! Anti-Semitic Zionists! Americans!
    And now I’m outta industrial strength Reynold’s Wrap.

  14. For .45s, I prefer the H&K USP (at least, until I can buy the new H&K45)…the mags are 12-rounders (now legal thanks to the sunset of the AWB). You can do the 12-step program with one round still in the chamber after all is said and done…
    Great video–sophomoric, to be sure, but so also is most leftist brain flatulence…

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