Bad Pun of the Day

Did you hear how the Muslim extremists have gained a stronghold in the South?

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Ronin Profiles: Katablog


Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Katablog.

What’s the story behind your name? It starts with Katsuey, which was a word my hubby invented to describe what he was threatening to turn one of my cats into (It involved Chinese food). I took the name as an Internet nick and from there came, a free legal research site, my web site design business, and finally my blog
Where do you live? Someplace no one has ever heard of : Lansing, KS
How old are you? Older than dirt, but not quite as messy when I get wet.
Tell us briefly about yourself. I’m an Accountant turned Paralegal turned Website Developer. I guess I have a problem making up my mind, but I’m not sure about that.
Do you believe that trees are evil? Only certain trees. Like the ones that give off that cotton fluff and of course all trees that provide refuge to illegal immigrating squirrels.
How long have you been reading IMAO? Probably about 1 year.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? I love the John Edwards fabulous facts and I enjoy reading the reader profiles. Many of the take-offs you do on current news stories are really funny but because the world is so screwy I sometimes can’t figure out which part is true and which is fiction.
What’s you favorite political issue? Hmmm, favorite? I’m not sure about that, but illegal aliens (now called immigrants by MSM and NutRoots) really gets my blood pressure boiling along with learning just how my tax money is being spent this year.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. is written through the eyes of my very politically savvy kat, Cowkitty. He’s too lazy to actually write it so I end up having to pen his thoughts.
What would you do for a Klondike Bar? More appropriate of a question would be, what wouldn’t I do for a
Klondike Bar.

If you commented that you want to be included before, you’re still in the running. You can also comment in this post; just make sure you fill in your e-mail on the comment form (only I can see it so you don’t have to worry about getting spam). Eventually we’ll get to everyone. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far!

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgHalloween was invented by John Edwards so that he wouldn’t ALWAYS have to wear something over his fairy princess costume.


Rachel Lucas doesn’t want me to link this.
She also has a bikini picture.

Petraeus Says He Will Propose Cutting Troops

BAGHDAD (AP) – The top American commander in Iraq said Wednesday he was preparing recommendations on cutting troops before he returns to Washington next month for a report to Congress.
“The fact is,” said Gen. David Petraeus, “there are simply too many troops in Iraq right now, and I have no choice but to recommend massive reductions in personnel. We simply have to be realistic.”
“Look at all the troops there,” he said, “Iranians, Al Qaeda, local Shiite insurgent groups, and even some disgruntled Baathists. These bastards have to go, and soon.”

Gen. Patraeus, moments before knifing an Al Qaeda propaganda operative

“My plan is to reduce the foreign troop levels by shooting them, bombing them, or – if need be – even cutting the troops like a drunken Mexican with a razor blade. Truth be told, it doesn’t matter HOW we take these suicidal Allah-worshipping sons of bitches out, but doing so will be my top recommendation to the President.”
When asked whether American troop levels will be cut, Petraeus responded by punching the enquiring reporter smack in the eye and then administering several vicious spleen-kicks to the journalist as he lay on the ground, screaming.
After letting loose with a torrent of language that would make Howard Stern blush like a Catholic schoolgirl, the General elaborated further on his views.
“You blasphemously ignorant suck-weasel! We’ve spent the last four and a half years sweating, bleeding, and dying in Iraq to keep ungrateful, traitorous malcontents like you safe from terrorists, and you’ve got the unmitigated gall to suggest that we cut and run instead of killing more of the enemy? Just exactly how far up your ass IS your head, anyway?”
“You don’t win wars by running away,” explained Petraeus, “you win them by making your enemy dead. Dead! Dead! Dead!”
“Hell, even a semi-hydroencephalitic Liberal Arts major like yourself should be able to figure THAT one out.”
After the mangled wreck of the reporter was carted off to an emergency room, the General concluded by clarifying his remarks.
“So… no.”


Fred Thompson supports a “Fair Tax.” I just don’t like the name. “Fair” is an overused liberal word (think of the whine “That’s not faaaair!”). What would be a better name for a national sales tax?

Stupid Friday

I can’t come up with nut’n to blog. I tried really hard, but nothing is clicking. Maybe I need a better place to look for news headlines. Where do you people go?
I could just take whatever Harvey has queued up and put my name on it…

Final Thought…

Some of the nutroots think that Padilla was just arbitrarily arrested and tortured and abused until he was almost a vegetable, so maybe they fear the government will do that to them as well. But if the Kwazy Kos Kids were turned into a mindless vegetables, would that actually affect their blogging in any adverse way?

Another Thought…

The nutroots seem to be so upset with Padilla being found guilty because they think he was tortured or something, but if they actually think he was tortured and abused, wouldn’t the worse outcome be that he was found not guilty and thus all this time we’ve been torturing an innocent man? Shouldn’t they be sighing in relief saying to themselves, “Whew; that was close. I was so worried the Bush Administration was torturing an innocent man, but it ends up he was guilty all along. Dodged a bullet there.”
Stupid liberals.


The left’s hysterical reaction to the Jose Padilla verdict has caused me to ask: What do liberals love so much about terrorists? Is it their devil may care attitude? Is it their rebellious ways? Is it their hatred for the Jews (or, as liberals call them, neocons)?
I think it’s because they both dislike the same things, namely America. What say you?

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Four our of five dentists agree: You should avoid getting punched in the mouth by Fred Thompson. The fifth dentist hates you.