John Hawkins has a list of what he says are the top ten South Park episodes. Now, I can’t quite comment on them because apparently there are some later seasons of South Park where I don’t think I’ve seen any of the episodes, but I disagree with his number one pick. While that is one of my all time favorite episodes, I think Underwear Gnomes (his number three pick) is there best ever episodes. The scene where the gnomes explain their plans to make money from stealing underwear is one of the most memorable and quotable scenes of any TV show, plus how many shows have you ever seen where the moral of the episode is that big corporations are good?
Ace is right; Scott Tenorman Must Die was a genius episode and should be on there somewhere. It was played realistically of what would happen if a ten year old tried to outsmart a teenager… until the awesome finale.
“Ohhh, the tears of unfathomable sadness, mmm, yummy… yummy you guys!”
Archive of entries posted on 28th August 2007
Ronin Profiles: George guy
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Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s George guy.
What’s the story behind your name? I was named George after my grandfather, and I’m a guy.
Where do you live? State College, Pennsylvania. It’s basically the armpit of Penn State
How old are you? 21.
Tell us briefly about yourself. I’m an artist for the most part, even though I didn’t get through art
school. I blame the evil socialist public school system for squelching my ambition. I was going to get into animation, but it was really hard, so until I can try again I’m cleaning houses.
If you were to condense IMAO into one word, what would it be? Plausible.
How long have you been reading IMAO? Close to 3 years, I think.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? This one: I think it’s the
first really funny one I read.
What’s you favorite political issue? Education, if that can be called a political issue. I rather like the idea of having kids some day and it’s rather depressing to see all the crap going on in the schools these days. I don’t think education should be a political issue. The fact that politicians have a say in what goes on with schools is itself a problem.
If education doesn’t count, I’d go with federalism. Keeping government localized is a good way to keep the liberals and their insane policies contained before we get to the point where we can seize power and punch them all in their dumb monkey faces.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. It’s a sort of surreal serial adventure comic strip. Among other things, it has environmentalists getting slaughtered. I should have another page up by the end of the month.
The bomb will go off in three more seconds. Red wire, black wire, blue wire, green wire: Which do you cut? I’d rule out the blue one because that’s nobody’s favorite color except for the UN, and they don’t use bombs so much as stern condemnations. Red’s the favorite color of communists, but they’re all environmental now and bombs make too much carbon dioxide, contributing to global warming. Green would be out too in that case except that it’s also the Muslims’ favorite color, so I’m inclined to go with green. They could just as easily choose black, but I don’t think they’d want to be associated with emo punk kids, as that lifestyle is a form of devil worship invented by the Jews and Americans in the 19th century, so they say.
If you commented that you want to be included before, you’re still in the running. You can also comment in this post; just make sure you fill in your e-mail on the comment form (only I can see it so you don’t have to worry about getting spam). Eventually we’ll get to everyone. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far!
Michael Vick Doesn’t Have Anything on Glenn Reynolds
He does like to taunt us.
High Praise
I asked you all for some chants for Muslim clerics to replace “Death to America,” and you all delivered. Here are the runners up that get regular praise:
“Hey hey! Ho ho! That Zionist entity’s got to go!”
from Exurban Jon
“Allah, Allah he’s our man,
If he can’t do it no one can!!”
from dRoast
“Vote Democrat!”
from Raving Lunatic
“Oh Allah… you’re so fine… we blow ourselves up all the time… Hey Allah! clap clap clap Hey Allah!”
from DesertElephant
“That’ll do, pig… that’ll do.”
from AlanABQ
from Powered by Guinness
“Bomb on: apply directly to the JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!!!”
from Hazel
“Global Jihad. So easy a caveman could do it.”
from G Fresh
And the winner of High Praise is…
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
John Edwards thinks it’s weird that all his buddies’ shirts button from the right.
Bonus Fact from Jim:
In an attempt to change the impression that he is effeminate, John Edwards has taken to ordering his Shirley Temple WITHOUT the cherry!
Bonus Fact from AlanABQ:
John Edwards really does read Playboy for the articles – but ONLY for the articles.
Impeachment Would Be Awful!
lolterizt! Part 12
Once again, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.
Reader submissions:
From Handsome Bill:
From Ron Rockstar:
From George K (with a hat tip to Sondra K)
From Doug (via Steve):
From Chris:
From AlanABQ:
From Brian Thorn of Java With “Joe Bag of Doughnuts”:
From Hazel:
From FormerHostage:
From Bob in Feenicks:
PRODUCTION NOTE: When creating lolterizt! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.
Send your submissions to and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.
The Silver Lining on the Bathroom Stall
Oy. Republicans really don’t need bad publicity like Senator Larry Craig right now. I’m sure the nutroots are in full gay-bashing mode right now. That whole thing is just really sad and creepy (and thus extra bad for the Romney campaign with which Craig was associated; they already had problem with the “creepy” label). I guess Republicans can at least take solace in the face that when this sort of thing happens, we tend to get them out of office. That’s why we shouldn’t stand for Democrats to say a word about this, because who do they have in office right now? There a globular, drunken mass that drove a car into a river and left a woman to die while he ran for his lawyer. There the guy who had a male prostitution ring ran out of his apartment. More recently, there’s the guy with bribe money in his freezer. And which party has a former Klansman as Senator?
See, at least we can say about the Republicans is that, when one of them does lewd conduct in a public restroom, it’s news. With Democrats, that’s a dog bites man story right there. Really, no one can be a Democrat politician and have any morals because then they wouldn’t be able to work with most of their colleagues. The only criticism Democrats can say to Republicans is, “That’s what you get for having morals! You should all be freaks like us! Freeeeeaks!”
Maybe that could be made into a new slogan:
“The Republican Party: We get rid of our weirdos.”
I Guess There Are Worse Places to Get Your News
Harvey noticed that a fake news story he wrote has been picked up by Google News. The post was clearly labeled “Newish Fakery,” but maybe “newish” is close enough to news for today’s standards. I searched for “impeachment” in Google News, and my latest article on why we should encourage impeachment came up, making IMAO one of the few news organizations seriously talking about impeachment of the president and vice president. I also saw here in the referrals that someone in the UK got here by checking Google News for dinosaurs and finding my proposal for dinosaurs with rocket launchers on them to fight terrorists. And, yes, Fred Thompson Facts are in there for anyone searching for news on Fred Thompson.
I guess IMAO needs a newsy slogan like “All the news we felt like writing today.” Have at it in the comments and the best one will win…
High Praise!
(that reminds me; I still need to pick someone for High Praise from this post, and there were a ton of excellent submissions)
Another entry from myself:
“We never verified it’s not true.”
Links of the Day
You’re probably saying, “Why hasn’t Frank put up a post yet?!” Well, I have no idea, but while I find out you can check out links from Conservative Grapevine such as:
The Sun: British politician also works as a stripper.
Little Green Footballs: Kos Kid: George W. Bush’s property should be seized
Global Politician: The ten postulates of political correctness.
Emily Yoffe: Unbearably trampy back-to-school clothes.
Conservative Grapevine: Links for your lifestyle.