Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards SWEARS that there’s no such thing as a “twist-off” bottlecap.
Bonus Fact from Silicon Valley Jim:
John Edwards sued his high school because he wasn’t permitted to perform “The Good Ship Lollipop” in the annual talent show, although really he was just pissed that he wouldn’t be able to wear his Shirley Temple costume.

Ronin Profiles: CCHEMuse


Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s CCHEMuse.

What’s the story behind your name? I wish I had some mystical reasoning behind my choice of handle….in actuality it’s my old blog alias & it defines who I am: Conservative, Catholic, Home Educating, Muse. Yes, “Muse” – as in GODDESS!! Okay – not really goddess — just “Muse” because I ramble about nothing in particular from time to time, but in my own private world it all makes sense….have I ever told you I think the guy that invented the Pringle’s canister was a genius?!
Where do you live? Well, in the old Beetle Bailey comics, they called it Camp Swampy, but we call it Fort Stewart, GA….pretty area, about an hour west of Savannah where Paula Deen makes a mean pot pie!!
How old are you? Ouch…..according to the calendar, I’m just starting to squint towards 40……but according to the way I feel, I’m easily 92…..
Tell us briefly about yourself. Well, I’m a proud, Proud, PROUD ARMY wife of a deployed soldier who is serving again in the sandbox over there…..I’m also momma to four — 1 college double major (Culinary / Psychology – not sure HOW that happened!), 1 USMarine, and two cute blondes – 1 just started high school & the other just started fifth grade….hmmmm – maybe the calendar is right….we’ve also got a shepherd (Yo Adrian), a lab (Zoe), and a psychotic cat (Peyton) to round out the brood……..Okay – if I tell you the rest, you still have to let me play here, alright…..I’m a vegan, I do believe in Roswell, and I don’t believe we ever walked on the moon — other than that, I’m perfectly conservative!!
Name one use for a liberal. Gosh – only ONE?? Ummm…..target practice readily pops to mind…..or IED shield……either way works – oh – only one – yeah – target practice for sure…
How long have you been reading IMAO? Actually, GW (that’s my hubby – yes, his name is GW, yes, the rest is the same too, and yes, we’re actually related….) found you guys about 2 years ago while searching for conservative t-shirts, but I didn’t start reading faithfully until he deployed, so, about a year……
What’s your favorite IMAO post? That’s a tough one….I love the IMAO Condensed series….Harvey‘s the bomb…..and the Fred Thompson facts are a riot…….but honestly, I think I’m most looking forward to the Ronin Profiles when I tune in each day now — it’s kindda nice to see the ‘real people side’ of the world renown IMAO blog – you’ve got your own cult following…I might start selling ‘IMAO Groupie’ t-shirts or something….

What’s you favorite political issue? Right now it’s a toss up between the War on Terror and Illegal Immigration…..I still think we should flatten everything that doesn’t say USA and say to hell with it…..
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. Website, no — blog that drones on & on about nothing, YES! Nothing much of any real interest to anyone other than my soldier – it’s the way I kept him linked to the girls….but now he can only access it from certain areas within that place with the airport, so – yeah – just a bunch of ‘what matters most to me’ stuff! But, if you’re so inclined, be my guest! http://peytonsmom.blogspot.com/
Do you think flamethrowers should be used by the U.S. military again? While I won’t answer that directly, I will say that I think the Geneva Conventions & the Law of Armed Conflict are a little too restrictive – what’s the point when WE’RE the only ones upholding the standard…..and in some of the close arms combat we’ve seen recently, I can see where the revival of the flamethrower idea has merit….Gives a whole new meaning to ‘fight fire with fire!’ Plus our guys can roast marshmallows in their down time!

If you commented that you want to be included before, you’re still in the running. You can also comment in this post; just make sure you fill in your e-mail on the comment form (only I can see it so you don’t have to worry about getting spam). Eventually we’ll get to everyone. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far!

What have we learned?

Context Here.

lolterizt! Part 11

Once again, pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.

hay osama.jpg
xyz pdq.jpg
simon says.jpg

Reader submissions:
From Alan ABQ:
hammer time.jpg
From Brian Thorn of Java With “Joe Bag of Doughnuts”
From Five-Pillars:
From FormerHostage:
From Hazel:
eated my cookie.jpg
From Erik Wit:
From Starfox5253:
Terizt Son.jpg
PRODUCTION NOTE: When creating lolterizt! pictures, please caption with either black or white text, as colors like red and yellow tend to blur badly when I compress the images.
Send your submissions to lolterizt-at-gmail.com and – if they aren’t obscene (IMAO is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name (and blog URL, if applicable) so I know who to thank.


I think what freaks out gun-owners so much about the thought of gun-grabbing is that gun-grabbers tend to be liberals and liberals have freakishly small hands. We imagine all these tiny hands coming out of nowhere and grabbing our guns and we’d be helpless against them. It’s like something out of a horror movie!


I forgot that a shuttle was landing today. I thought for a second our one story house had upstairs neighbors who accidentally dropped bowling balls on the ground.
Rowdi barked at the shuttle under her breath. That will teach it.

Opposite Day Courtesy the Huffington Post

Just so you know, the reason HuffPo and many other liberals think you Republicans turned against McCain is because he continues to support the war.
Other conclusions Arianna Huffington has reached:
* Why do Americans hate the French? Despite how courageous the French are and their immaculate hygiene, Americans could never get over how bad their wine is.
* Americans dislike of illegal immigration from Mexico stems from their hatred of Mexican food.
* Why do many Americans have problems with Muslims? They’re too nice to the Jews.
* Folks biggest problem with Hillary: She’s not shrill enough and lacks political ambition.
* Reason Michael Vick is currently being lambasted in the news: Americans hate football.
* Up is down. Black is white.

Rudy and Guns

Fred Thompson just made a nearly direct attack on Rudy Giuliani in his blog over guns. There are two issues that are big problems for Giuliani in the Republican primary: abortion and guns. I’m surprised so much attention has been on abortion when his stance on guns could hurt him even more (not even Democrats running for national office speak out against guns anymore).
Now, Giuliani has tried to reshape his image on this issue, but his pandering shows shows how completely tone deaf (he tried to explain that gun rights are okay in other places than big cities). Also, he has a record of not just being anti-gun, but being really anti-gun where he’s been involved in lawsuits that tried to take away gun rights for more places than just his city.
His stance on abortion of saying he’d appoint judges like Roberts will get him so far (it would help if he came out against Roe v. Wade which is a horrible Constitutional ruling despite what one may feel about legalized abortion), but something similar is not going to work for guns. Republicans won’t respect someone opposed to gun ownership — a Constitutional right — and I don’t think anything other than him bowing down and asking for forgiveness for past sins will be accepted.

Links of the Day

While I catch up on news and think of something to write, there are fun links at Conservative Grapevine such as:

David Warren: The tyranny of science.
Confederate Yankee: Misfire: AP’s bogus ammo shortage story.
Planet Gore: Overturning the global warming “Consensus” in one fell swoop.
Jennifer Rubin: Dem debates: Top 10 things that should worry Conservatives.

Conservative Grapevine: Now with more links!

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson gets three scoops of raisins in every box of Kellogg’s Raisin Bran.