Two Middle Easterners were found to possess explosives in a routine traffic stop in South Carolina. Really, what’s the chance of finding that in a “routine” traffic stop?
I call profiling!
We the blogosphere need to investigate this and find out which police officers were involved and hold them accountable.
Come on! A “routine” traffic stop?! How dumb do they think we are?
Seriously, though, with the luck we’ve had in America of avoiding terrorist attacks, I guess by Pat Robertson’s view no one has done anything gay enough to make God angry since 2001.
Archive of entries posted on 5th August 2007
High Praise
I had pointed out an extremely masturbatory diary on the Daily Kos about one the Kos Kids walking amongst all the mere mortals and magically feeling their pain (which all happened to conform to his political views). Some of the lines from it were:
It’s the kid with the anger in his eyes I saw on my way to the swimming pool…anger at the injustice of a school system that’s written him off in the fifth grade…anger at a society that tells him every day that he is less than a full citizen because of the color of his skin just like his dad and his uncles.
It’s the overweight mom I see in my neighborhood. The one with two young children who has pre-diabetes and doesn’t know it yet. She lives in a society that won’t give her preventative care or nutritional education, but which underwrites big corporations that sell her super-sized food that is silently eating away at her body.
It’s that girl I saw on the subway who looked at me with that curious stare. She doesn’t even know about global warming.
If was the readers’ job to improve on them. The best one would win high praise.
The runners up (who get mere praise instead of high praise) are:
“It’s the overweight mom I see in my neighborhood. Didn’t she used to be on ‘The View’?”
from AlanABQ
“It’s that girl I saw on the subway who looked at me with that curious stare. She doesn’t even know about ManBearPig.”
from Matty G
“It’s that girl I saw on the subway who looked at me with that curious stare. She doesn’t even know that fire can’t melt steel.”
from Rick
And the winner of high praise is…
Don’t You Dare Tell Them Anything Other Than That the War Is Going Horribly
A representative from has finally posted a version of what happened with the uniformed soldier who was shouted down. It starts out, of course, with calling Michelle Malkin and Drudge “chickenhawks.”
So here is how liberals avoid debate on the war for those keeping score:
* You’ve Never Served: You’re a chickenhawk so they ignore the merits of your argument.
* You Did Serve: You’re still a chickenhawk for not serving now so they ignore the merits of your argument.
* You Are Serving: It’s illegal for you to speak about the war so they ignore the merits of your argument.
That’s why you don’t even try to engage these nitwits; you have to speak over them to people who should know better.
The soldier’s name is David Aguina and it is true he showed up the next day at YearlyKos in civilians clothes. That whether what he did is illegal is still doubtful (here’s a convincing argument against what Aguina did). Can it really be considered political speech to say that a war is going well? That must make communications with the front pretty difficult.
“How are things going at your position?”
“Pretty good. Resistance has died down.”
“Oh, so the surge is going great then? You’re court marshaled, neocon!”
From the comments of the DailyKos post:
What’s preventing him from volunteering to be redeployed to Iraq?
So, if you’re ever in the States long enough to express a positive opinion of the war, you’re a chickenhawk.
Other reasons stated to dismiss his opinion: He’s obviously not mentally well or he’s obviously brainwashed like everyone else in the military who supports the war.
Once again, these people are scum, and we have to keep hitting the Democrats as long as they even give them an ear.
And don’t forget, according to Kos himself, anyone who thinks Aguina shouldn’t be able to speak out in uniform is un American.