Top Quote from Ames

“freedom is more than just a pet monkey”
It sure is.
(hat tip The Corner)

Who’s the Bigger Tool: The Tool, Or The Tools Who Follow Him?

I didn’t realize Keith Olbermann, a tedious, pandering O’Reilly wannabe (who would want to be like O’Reilly?), has a small, crazy, Ron Paul like following according to the abuse I got in the comments to my latest video (one called me a “dum stoopid heebilly neocon jue”). I don’t know how they all found it; I guess they go around looking for anything about their savior like the Ronulans. The way they acted, you think I insulted the prophet Mohammad. This has to be the most pathetic example of idol worship I have ever seen; it makes me weep for humanity. As Olbermann would say, “Eeawh!”

Bloggers Unite!

You’ve probably heard of Lefty bloggers rumbling about forming a blogger’s union.
One brave right-wing soul, Shakey Pete of Shakey Pete’s Shootin’ Shack, gave it a try.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgIf John Edwards mistakenly walks into a women’s locker room, nobody will say anything. Except maybe to offer him a fresh tampon.
Bonus Fact from John:
Angelina Jolie denies that she endorsed John Edwards for president, saying she would never support somebody prettier than she is.
Two Bonus Facts from Chris:
For John Edwards, the phrase ‘haircut’ has two meanings. One costs him hundreds at a salon. The other results in a trip to the ER to get stitches after touching a puppy that wasn’t fluffy enough.
John Edwards failed his audition for the Little Rascals because his perfect, pretty hair just didn’t look “rascally” enough. Said the director, “If we ever make ‘Little Faggots‘, we’ll call ya.”
John Edwards’ favorite Glade Scented Candle is ‘Plain’. The other ones make him dizzy from the fumes.

We Need Another Reagan

Stu Bykofsky wrote an editorial entitled “We Need Another 9/11”, arguing we need another big terrorist attack to get us serious again.
What we need is a leader; someone in the government to talk above the noise. If the only way to get people motivated to fight terrorism again is lots of death, then that is a huge failure in leadership.
Am I wrong?

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Harry Reid was once beaten up by Fred Thompson’s shadow.