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Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Rick.
What’s the story behind your name? What can I say but that it’s the name Karl Rove assigned me when I was born. I just noticed recently that there is another Rick on here, so I will be changing my name to Raving Lunatic. How do I come by that? Because my raving lunatic ways. They keep the crazies away. Or maybe it’s the guns…
Where do you live? Goldsboro, NC. Home of Seymour-Johnson Air Force Base and the freakin’ awesome F-15E Strike Eagle
How old are you? A psychotic 38. Some days I feel like I’m 11, others I feel like a salty old codger who’s discovered young punks on his grass.
Tell us briefly about yourself. NC Native. Former musician. Private Pilot. NRA Life Member. Math Wizard. God’s gift to Structural Steel Estimating. Super Stud (okay, I made that up). Brief enough?
Name a situation in which you’d expect someone to exclaim, “This looks like a job for Aquaman!” I dunno, I’ve never been that drunk.
How long have you been reading IMAO? About 5 months (thank Michelle Malkin). I came over once before, a little over a year ago, read a couple of posts, and said “This crap is stupid.” It must have been an off day for us both!
[We don’t do smart crap. -Ed.]
What’s your favorite IMAO post? Know thy Enemy and In My World are pretty dang good
What’s you favorite political issue? Isn’t that sort of like asking which limb you enjoy having amputated? I care most about 2nd Amendment rights, National Security, and reducing that monstrosity we call the Mafia… oops, I mean the Federal Government. Illegal immigration ranks up there, too.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. Yuppers, I’m one them there amateur bloggers. It’s at 360.yahoo.com/rwoolard69 and it’s called the Bodega of Babble. Of particular interest to you Frank, in all your worthy ninja worship, would be the entry Baby Ninja Strikes. The blog mostly consists of me being a smartass about politics and vainly attempting to be funny, plus political cartoons. And the occasional raving lunatic rant.
Do you think IMAO is balanced enough in its opinions, or is it too balanced? I think it’s a little too balanced. We here at the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy are beginning to think you aren’t a real right winger. As per the recent Republican fundraising letter I received, “We’re beginning to doubt your credentials.” You’re beginning to sound an awful lot like a monkey-faced liberal, and quite frankly, we’re tired of it. Get it together, son!
If you commented that you want to be included before, you’re still in the running. You can also comment in this post; just make sure you fill in your e-mail on the comment form (only I can see it so you don’t have to worry about getting spam). Eventually we’ll get to everyone. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far!