Short story is that YearlyKos held a military panel and a soldier in uniform tried to ask a question and present facts about how the surge is working. He got shouted down by the moderator and the official video from YearlyKos has all the sound turned off whenever the soldier is talking. PJM has an interview with him and he actually has nice things to say about the Kos Krowd despite his treatment (NOTE: I could only get that video working in Internet Explorer).
So far, DailyKos has yet to report the even, but I found one diary inquiring about what happened and another trying rally everyone to fight this “coordinated smear” against YearlyKos while not trying to explain what happened or linking to anything about it (the first couple comments to it are more inquires about what exactly happened).
Looks like YearlyKos has made it main news story and its for censoring a soldier in uniform (Drudge is already on this I can only assume O’Reilly will follow). They may be right that it was illegally for him to be in uniform while asking his question (RTO Trainer disputes that but most of the milbloggers at least seem to think it was a bad idea even if it wasn’t illegal), but from the PJM interview, the soldier seems pretty reasonable and censoring him certainly speaks of huge hypocrisy considering how much they like to use people in uniform as tools when it fits their narrative (Kos has even argued that troops in uniform should be allowed at anti-war protest).
I just hope this gets coverage and makes more people ask, “What do the active duty troops — and not just the ones the left select for us to hear — think of the war?”
And is it really ever illegal for a soldier to say positive things about the war he’s serving in?
What’s the meanest way we in the Right Wing Noise Machine can spin this?
“Liberals want pictures of troops’ caskets, but they sure as hell don’t want to hear troops speak.”
Best one in the comments wins high praise… and maybe a place in Republican talking points.
Also, I really need a Right Wing Noise Machine graphic. That sounds like an awesome machine.
The diary on the DailyKos asking what happened has been taken down after getting over fifty comments. Some were angry at the diarist for asking the question in the way he did, so who knows what happened there.
According to this commenter on the DailyKos, the soldier returned to YearlyKos today in civilian clothes.
The soldier was a plant by Michelle Malkin and IMAO and all other PJM blogs are possibly getting orders directly from the White House.
I don’t know why I find this whole incident so entertaining, but I do.