Ronin Profiles: ChrisA


Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s ChrisA.

What’s the story behind your name? I was originally posting as Chris, but then another Chris started posting, so I decided to copy FrankJ and use my last initial. I’m not very clever at inventing nicknames for myself.
Where do you live? Winnebago, MN. And yes… we have a Dairy Queen here… not much else, though. My wife and I moved up here a year ago from Phoenix. You can shoot guns out on the farms! All I have to do now is finally get my own gun.
How old are you? 27
Tell us briefly about yourself. I’m married, work in a factory, go to church as a part-time aspiring Catholic. My hobbies are BBQing, playing with power tools, and making fun of hippies. I’m also looking at going to school to become an engineer.
Humor is fascist. Explain. I would’ve almost said it wasn’t. But, maybe it is in the sense that it causes you to laugh uncontrollably, have difficulty breathing. After having experienced real humor, you’d have even more trouble being able to tolerate hate-filled lefties. So could it be fascist for having forced a change?
How long have you been reading IMAO? I’ve been reading for a few years now. I’m not sure how I found it anymore, but it made me laugh.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? In My World has been a favorite along with some of the Don’t Be a Hate-Filled Lefty. Fabulous Facts of John Edwards have been fun, too.
What’s you favorite political issue? I like anything that exposes corrupt politicians or debunks the mainstream media. Crushing the immigration bill has been a real ‘power to the people’ moment.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. I have a dorky blog at I don’t post very often, and it’s usually about food when I do.
What would you do with a million pesos? I would ask my wife for a quarter, then I’d combine it with the million pesos and go to Burger King to get a value meal. Or, I could convert it all into Canadian money and be one of the richest people there!

If you commented that you want to be included before, you’re still in the running. You can also comment in this post; just make sure you fill in your e-mail on the comment form (only I can see it so you don’t have to worry about getting spam). Eventually we’ll get to everyone. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far!

Here’s Your Answer

In a terribly off-topic comment to a John Edwards post, anonymous commenter with no contact information Yak asks:

Exactly why is the U.S. deployed in Iraq, according to you?

Let’s stop mincing words.
We’re in Iraq because Muslims have stated over and over and over that their only goal is to kill all non-Muslims.
After 9/11, we started taking them at their word, and since we didn’t want to be killed, our only choice was to start killing Muslims before they killed us.
Iraq had Muslims in it, so it was as good a place to start as any. In fact, better than most, because it was in the heart of Muslim country, and having troops there gives us a credible force-projection threat throughout the entire putrid, corrupt, murderous Muslim region. It’s easier to kill Muslims in other countries from Iraq than it is from Kuwait.
And now Muslims have two choices:
They can reform their vicious, degenerate religion so that it allows for peaceful co-existence with other religions and – after embracing this enlightened, live-and-let-live philosophy whole-heartedly – they can become productive members of the civilized world, much like post-WWII Germany and Japan.
They can be exterminated like vermin.
All the rest of this crap about WMD’s, and mass graves, and liberation, and oil fields, and insurgents is just so much political window-dressing. America is fighting for its life against an insidious, deadly ideology. The people who cling to that sick, 7th-century belief system must either change their minds or be killed.
I wish with all my heart that we had enough manpower to conquer every damn last Muslim nation on earth and root this virus out once and for all, but we don’t. So we’ll start in Iraq, dragging these barbarians kicking and screaming into the 21st century. After that, hopefully the rest of the Muslim world will get the point. If not, there will be further examples, nation by nation, until they do.
Then, when the Muslim world is either civilized or dead, the war will be over.
I hope that answers your question.

It’s Like How People Dress Up for the Renaissance Fair, But They Do It All Day Every Day

Here’s a music video I saw on Hot Air I guess urging Muslims to make sure they pray five times a day or bad stuff will happen:

Not to be culturally insensitive, but does seeing Muslims in their centuries and centuries old clothing style using Mac laptops and attending board meetings make you think of those anachronistic Geico cavemen? And when the guy is hitting on women in burqas at a Food Court, the first thing that came to mind was that scene in Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure where Genghis Khan and Socrates are running around a shopping mall.
You know, we Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God, but that doesn’t mean we think the robes he wore were the end all in fashion sense.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards started life as an orphan who was raised by wolves – pansy-ass, effeminate wolves.

Muslims Are Always Angry Anyway; Might as Well Go Whole Hog

Some Dutch guy is calling for the Koran to be banned. Don’t they kill people in Dutchland who speak out against Islam.
Hmm… but I guess they wouldn’t know to kill you if they don’t have a Koran…
(hat tip Conservative Grapevine)

Error Discovered in Global Warming Data

Scientists have announced they found another error in their data in support of global warming, having now just realized that they weren’t actually recording temperatures for the past century but instead were looking at wind speed. “D’oh,” explained one climatologist. Still, scientists assure the public that they remain a 110% certain that we will all die in floods and tornadoes if we don’t switch our incandescent bulbs with compact florescent ones.
Scientists also want to remind the public that they are much smarter than the average man and anyone who questions them is a heretic.

More Mainstream Than Kos?

Kos has declared that he and his followers who play with themselves while imagining fighting a Bush dictatorship are now the mainstream. I dunno. Here’s a not necessarily comprehensive list of those more mainstream than the Kwazy Kos Kids:
* Michael Vick
* People who enjoy the comic styling of Carrot Top
* That guy in the commercials with all the question marks on his jacket
* The “Others” on Lost
* Ron Paul
* Sanjaya’s fans
* People who don’t think Lana Lang from Smallville is the most annoying character ever created
* Homeless people standing on the street corner talking to themselves
* People who regularly wear bow ties.
* Ferret enthusiasts
* People whose favorite flavor of jellybean is coconut
* The prisoners of Arkham Asylum
* People who don’t find Crocs comfortable but wear them because they’re stylish
* That crazy diaper-wearing, cross-country driving, kidnap-attempting astronaut
* The Bat-boy
* People who paint their houses pink
* The average Democrat

Karl Rove Resigns

Karl Rove has decided to spend more time with his family.

Karl Rove has resigned. He says he feels he has spread enough evil in the world and now wants to spread evil on a smaller scale, such as kidnapping and beheading teenagers and then dismembering their corpses as part of a Satanic ritual. He also plans to take his family to the beach.
Some wonder if Karl Rove was forced to resign, but according to Rove’s best friend, Cthulhu, it was a decision of only Rove and his family. Also, the dark signs have begun to appear and thus Rove’s manipulation of the White House is no longer needed to ensure the downfall of man.
A senior administration official says there are no plans to replace Karl Rove as Rove’s taint of darkness on the White House is expected to last until at least January, 2009.

Ask a Liberal

Q. Liberals seem more concerned with social issues they can pander on versus large national issues like defending the country. What are the liberals’ plans for dealing with murderous, Islamic terrorists intent on killing us?
Keith Olbermann’s answers:

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Harry Reid once got a black eye from a memory of Fred Thompson.