What Could Ever Replace “Death to America”?

“Death to Lichtenstein!”

Apparently, Ayatollah Khomeini was considering retiring his signature “Death to America!” chant. I guess if you say it too many times, it does begin to lose all meaning. So, what could be another great signature chant for radical Muslim clerics?
“Watcha talk’n ’bout, Ahmadinejad”
“I got a hanker’n for a hunk o’ cheese!”
“I don’t particularly care for the Jews!”
“Death to Smoochy!”
“Gooooooooood morning Vietnam!”
“My beard itches with Muslimy goodness!”
“Infidels, you smell!”
“Turn on, tune in, drop out!”
“We’re here! We’re queer! We don’t want anymore bears!”
“I got a fever, and the only prescription is more Islam!”
If you have a good suggestion for a new radical Muslim chant, put it in the comments. Best one wins…
High Praise!

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  1. Okay infidels, I will give you new chant.
    Death to America!!!
    Wait, that’s not right. Okay, something about your disturbing women.
    Death to America!!!!
    Huh, it’s not as easy as it sounds.
    Okay, something about your imperialism.
    Death to America!!!!
    Inshah Allah, I guess we were meant to say Death to America!! it’s simple, it’s easy to remember and it doesn’t have a beat you can dance to.

  2. (music begins playing)…my balogna has a first name…its A-L-L-A-H…
    or maybe
    Silly Rabbit, bomb belts are for kids
    or how about just a bunch of gurgling noises, to mimic their last sounds…Gllrrssggghhh…

  3. martin luther has inspired me…
    My bologna hasa first name, it’s A-L-L-A-H
    My bologna has a second name it’s A-K-B-A-R
    Oh, I love to shout it every day
    And if you ask me why I’ll say…
    Cause ‘allah akbar’ is our way
    of proving screwing sheep’s not gay

  4. Snap into a Slim Jim!
    Islam is the Religion of Peace. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle–the other half of the battle is strapping bombs on kids and hiding in mosques and behind women and children. You know, to spread the Religion of Peace peacefully…sort of.

  5. “There she was , just-a walkin’ down the street
    Singin’ do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do
    She would’t wear a burqa, so I shot her in her feet
    Singin’ do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-do…”
    “It’s the Great Satan, Charlie Brown!”
    “Hello, think McFly!”
    “That’ll do, pig… that’ll do.”
    “Jihadis Unite! Take Back the Night!”

  6. Jihadis don’t know it’s not bacon!
    My prophets got a first name its MOHAMMED,
    My prophets got a second name its…um…er..
    My prophets got a first name its……….
    I’d walk a mile for a camel.
    I am stuck on vest bomb ’cause a vest bombs stuck on me.
    Mr. Whipple, please don’t squeeze the Imam!
    When you’re out of Schlitz, you’re out of beer.

  7. (Apologies to Toys ‘R Us)
    I just want to blow up, I’m a jihadi kid,
    There’s all those virgins with old allah there that I can play with!
    More death, more boom, more genocide– it’s the biggest jihad there is!
    I just want to blow up, because then if I did,
    I’d always be a jihadi kid! (A dead one, that is.)

  8. i’m gonna riff on that last one:
    Get a bomb, sh’Allah la la, la la la la la
    Get a bomb, sh’Allah la la, la la la la la
    Get a bomb, sh’Allah la la, la la la la la
    Dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip, dong dong dong dong dong.
    Get a bomb.

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