Straight Line of the Day: The First Job for a Special Prosecutor in the IRS Scandal Case…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The first job for a Special Prosecutor in the IRS scandal case…


  1. Send every IRS agent a form letter informing them that they must produce detailed records of all their activities over the past four years, including audits, returns, business trips and receipts for any business lunches.

  2. The First Job for a Special Prosecutor in the IRS Scandal Case…

    …will be to submit to those he prosecutes

    …will be to setup the big tent and 3 rings for the dog and pony show while the town burns down.

    …kill them all and let God sort them out


  3. The first job for a Special Prosecutor in the IRS scandal case…

    …is quality.

    …is to get a nice espresso machine for the office, and curtains.

    …is to make sure all his files are in order for the Second Special Prosecutor.

    …tap all the phone lines of the liberal MSM who will be “investigating” how he is just a tool for the Right Wingers in the country.

    …Take out the papers and the trash
    Or you don’t get no spendin’ cash
    If you don’t scrub that kitchen floor
    You ain’t gonna rock and roll no more
    Yakety yak (don’t talk back)

    …work on his Sargent Schultz routine.

    …remember that to err is human, but true forgiveness comes via a pardon.

    …don’t fly over Syria.

    …have someone else open all his mail, and start his car.

  4. The first job for a Special Prosecutor in the IRS scandal case…

    …Slay the Nemean Lion.

    …Collect underwear!

    …Get all Shakespearean and kill all the lawyers.

    …make enough money so it can be his last job as well.

    …take the ring to Mt. Doom.

    …put the IRS on double secret probation.

  5. The first job for a Special Prosecutor in the IRS scandal case…

    …learn to bake really good cookies.

    …learn the phrase “low Level employees” live it, and love it.

    …build up his tolerance for hearing the phrase, “I stand on my rights under the 5th amendment.”

  6. The first job for a Special Prosecutor in the IRS scandal case…

    …will be “hands on”

    …might seem trivial but a good pair of new shoes always creates a lasting first impression.

    …buy rather than lease, you will be in Washington for quite some time.

  7. The first job for a Special Prosecutor in the IRS scandal case…

    …herd cats, it will be excellent practice.

    …find the President innocent of all involvement, everyone else can be hung.

  8. The first job for a Special Prosecutor in the IRS scandal case…

    …prepare his office to also host investigations into the AP, Benghazi, Fast and Furious and all other possible scandals under the Obama Administration. That should keep him busy to at least 2024.

  9. There is NOTHING funny about this!!!The IRS SHOULD track down those radical rightwing nutjob groups looking to CHEAT the GOVERNMENT!!!I don’t see the FUNNY in THAT!!!There wasn’t anything FUNNY about your worthless attempt and making with the YUKYUK about Eric Holder-who is a FINE and HONORABLE BLACK MAN you RACISTS!!!Don’t forget I KNOW FUNNY!!!I WORKED WITH BEN STILLER!!!I WAS ON SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE!!!NONE of YOU were there or have DONE THAT, OK!!!Until ANY of YOU can claim as long an IMDB as ME YOU can SHUT.THE.HELL.UP!!!CHEATING the GOVERNMENT is NOT FUNNY!!OBAMA is having to make do with LESS because of all this CHEATING!!!UGH!!!

  10. The first job for a Special Prosecutor in the IRS scandal case…

    …ideally would have been proctologist. That way, he would have intimate knowledge about how the IRS works.

    …is to see how “high” these “low level” employees go.

    …is to deny the entire IRS the fifth amendment. They’ve proven themselves to be enemy combatants without uniforms.

  11. …is getting the phone number for Witness Protection, then turn in your resignation.

    …is reminding the IRS employees that the phrase is Arrogance of Power, not vice versa.

    …is doing a number two on Harry Reid.

  12. Could someone wave a joint in front of Janeane so she’ll wander off again for a while. I don’t care that it posts but someone’s going to have to wipe up the spittle, froth and slobber she spews before someone slips and falls and I’ve got to say 27 years of mommy duty and I am so done with that. Next time she post make her wear a bib and get out the spit shield.

  13. would be to tie holder , obama, homeland security, and the entire IRS to criminal acts.
    Second job would be to publish this to all media before accidental death, or murder, occurred. Third job would be to clean up the total mess his life had become, if he still had one.

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