John Hawkins has a regular feature on RightWingNews on which he answers,on seperate posts, questions submitted by his readers on the presvios day.
Its kind of like IMAO’s “Ask Ducky” but without RightWingDuck and all the inherant rightwingduckiness associated with that.
He (John Hawkins) usually posts this feature named “Q & A Fridays” on random days of the week but this time he has posted it on of all days, a Friday. He delivers a great sarcastic answer to this question. Do You Think Right Wing News Helps The Conservative Cause?
Actually, the full question was “John, in all seriousness, do you think your site,, helps your cause?”
But his answer to the question is as masterful an example of sarcasm as I’ve seen lately.
That, indeed, was a very good reply to an asinine querry. As long as Right Minded persons keep a sense of humor… the Left Minded is lost. That G-d for all of you Right Minded bloggers (especially you, SpaceMonkey)
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our friends in Austrailia!
Just when you thought the left couldn’t make themselves look more stupid…….
“remember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people”
That’s freaking hilarious!!
Well done JohnH!
Check out a funny site dedicated to the absurdity and satire nature of saying: “It’s All George Bush’s Fault!” (for short)
Notta Libb
mmmmm, Barbara..
(oh wait, the young one? nevermind)