Ron Paul Commands Evil Ant Overlords to Attack!

No joke! Watch this clip (it’s only twenty-two seconds) and listen to the sound Ron Paul makes right after George Stephanopolous tells him he has no chance of becoming President (“That’s not going to happen.”):

Tell me that’s not some sort of alien insect language! I think it’s pretty obvious that it’s probably orders to the evil ant overlords waiting in orbit to attack the earth. Would the Thomas Jefferson of our time really sell us out to toil away in underground sugar mines simply because he’s finally realized he has no chance of becoming President? I think all the evidence of that is right there in front of you.

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  1. The comments about that clip on youtube R GRATE! U neocons just don’t get it, he stands 4 everything U do, but he is super grate! We will insult U until U think he iz supergrate also! RonPaul will win.
    I am a professoror at an ivy league school so I know stuff.

  2. Somewhat off topic, but…
    I got my Fred Thompson hippie bashin’ shirt today, wore it to a nice restaurant in Lebanon, Tennessee.
    Complete strangers, wait staff, management, all wanted one. First Day Out: Should be good for, oh, a dozen or so orders.
    People are hungry for Fred!

  3. Ron Paul’s campaign is working. After seeing the word below you won’t be able to help but complete his name in your mind.
    Ron ____
    But if you see the following name
    Fred _________
    you will think first of Fred Flinstone or some other famous Fred
    Ron Paul did that with no money. He branded his name into your mind for free – you can never get him out of there now! Just think how much more popular Ron Paul will become with the $2.4 million he just raised last quarter…

  4. When you look at the BIG picture, I think that Ron Paul has a better than average chance of being elected president.
    By that I mean that only 3% or so of the world population are constitutionally qualified to run so he is a better candidate that 97% of everyone else.

  5. So Yljio, stutter much.
    Why do any of these also-rans think they have a snowballs chance in Bill Clinton’s pants, of getting elected?
    Paul, Biden, Ms. Breck, The Beast and the rest need to save their money, get out of the way to make room for viable candidates.
    Couldn’t the Demoncrat party practice what it preaches and abort the unwanted candidates, like they do unwanted fetuses. After all an unborn child may grow up to cure cancer, become president, and or invent new sources of energy. These people running for office have already shown what their capable of and with a 14% approval rating I don’t know that I’d vote for any of them, including Republicans serving in the legislature.

  6. Kinda reminded me of this;
    “Listen, kid — imagine a giant cockroach five times smarter than Albert Einstein, four times stronger than an ox, nine times meaner than hell, strutting his stuff around Washington DC in his brand new Ron Paul suit. Does that sound like him?” — Kay, MIB

  7. Uh oh…. Ron Paul has called on the evil giant insect warriors to attack! I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. I’d like to remind them as a trusted IMAO commenter, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves.

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