Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards can’t understand how his secretary can always manage to get a staple through two sheets of paper in one shot.
Bonus Fact from Chris:
Whenever John Edwards hears the song “Butterfly Kisses” he gets flashbacks of the ‘incident’ in his ‘boyhood’ where he was ravaged by a Monarch.
Bonus Fact From Silicon Valley Jim:
60% of the depletion of earth’s ozone layer is due to John Edwards’s personal grooming practices, scientists said today.
Bonus Fact From Casper the Friendly Host:
Knowing he wouldn’t have time during the campaign season, John Edwards went to his orthodontist last spring asking if the “Perfect Smile”came in a “Fold-Back Teeth” model.

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  1. “John Edwards can’t understand how his secretary can always manage to get a staple through two sheets of paper in one shot.”
    His staffers tried buying several models of electric staplers for his office. The recoil was just too much for his dainty wrists to handle.

  2. Nice one Alamo,but you forgot his sideline.
    After realizing that meat science involved killing and butchering pretty little animals he decided to study his two true loves Herpatology and nutrition as he has always loved the idea of swallowing snakes.

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