Sam Brownback Has Quit the Race

Quitters never win and winners never quit. And now Sam Brownback has quit the race for president and I say good riddance. One thing is for sure, now he won’t win.
Now the questions that are on everyone’s mind: Who? Why did he quit? To the first question I will answer frankly, I don’t know/care either. The answer to the second I think is self evident. He’s a quitter.
We really didn’t need a quitter as president anyway. I’m sure you agree. We need a winner. Which quitters aren’t.
I think we’ll see as the months go by, more and more quitters will have their lives scrutinized and torn apart. They’ll have their names dragged through the mud and eventually they’ll quit. quitting, It’s just what quitters do.
When quitters quit, who wins?
The American public.

A Tangent Off Comment #22

…to this post.
What I’ve always hated about the phrase “save the planet” is that no one ever asks “save it for what?”
If the question WERE asked, I guess the answer would be “for your children and their children”.
Well, what the %$#@ would be the point of that? Because you know good & well that the hippie children & grandchildren are just going to tell our descendants that they have to “save the planet” for two more generations.
When do we finally get the USE the damn thing?
I say NOW is as good a time as any. And if we use up one resource, we’ll just invent the technology to exploit another one.
Case in point: whale oil shortages = refined crude oil.
All we need to do is stay the hell out of our future J.D. Rockefeller‘s way so that he can make the operation profitable enough to be self-sustaining.
God bless Capitalism.

Dumbledore Gay? We Should Have Known!

Well, it’s been revealed by J.K. Rowling that one of her characters was gay. Yes, Dumbledore was gay.
But you KNEW that, right? Of course you did.
Top 10 Signs We Knew that Dumbledore Was Gay
It’s reader participation day! What WERE the signs?
Kept telling the teachers that when he played quidditch, that he was the teams best catcher?
Once taught Defense Against the Clashing Wardrobes?
Was constantly asking the students if they wanted to hold his wand?

Put your answers in comments.
I’m shocked by this news but it does explain the “I heart Larry Craig” bumper sticker on his broom.
The top 10 will be announced on Tuesday. Number one pick gets top bragging rights.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgTo avoid alienating potential voters during his already-precarious presidential campaign, at public appearances John Edwards has been doing a LOT of elaborate verbal side-stepping on the Hummel vs. Precious Moments question.
Rumor has it he’s actually a Lladro man.

Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

Hillary Clinton can’t tell the truth about anything without having extremely painful headaches.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson’s method to veto wasteful spending bills will be to shove the bill down the throat of the Democrat who authored it and then throw him into the sun. Such a veto can not be overturned.