Dear Ann Coulter,
Can we keep the Klezmer?
Laurence Simon
Archive of entries posted on 13th October 2007
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
Things John Edwards can’t walk through:
a) Walls
b) Particularly thick fog banks
Bonus Facts from Casper the Friendly Host:
Unable to pull it apart on his own, John Edwards must eat cotton candy with a spork.
John Edwards was hospitalized with a broken tibia when his CD-ROM drive opened into his leg without warning.
It took his new assistant a moment to understand what he meant when he hissed at her, “I was very clear, wasn’t I? I need ones with WINGS!”
An unknown feminine whisper was overheard on the candidate’s open mikes at the last Democratic debate, “Gawd, Obama makes me moist.” However, Hillary was drinking water at the time.