Nobody’s Perfect

Dear Ann Coulter,
Can we keep the Klezmer?
Laurence Simon

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  1. Well there goes her Hollywood career. She better watch out – there are more than a few Red Sea Pedestrians in publishing, too. Although if the books sell, who cares vhat da crazy shiksa’s sayink…

  2. Sorry for the serious comment, but I just had to write this.
    What’s the big deal with what Ann said? At some point in time, every adult practicing a religion makes a decision to stay with what they were raised with or switch to another. The choice is made consciously, based on some set of metrics of, for lack of a better term, superiority. All Ann did was vocalize the logical thought process we all go through, with her particular religion named.
    So what? So she wishes everyone believed like she did. Well, duhh. You practice a religion because you believe in it above all others. Why wouldn’t you want others to join the True Faith, whatever that happens to be for you?
    It seems to me like the controversy is just an offshoot of multiculturalism. No one dares to say that modern civilization is predominantly the result of Western Europeans. It’s a fact, but we can’t come out and say otherwise we’d all get pilloried like Ann did here.
    So why the big deal about all of this?

  3. I’m missing what Ms. Coulter did or said; however, she seems to be of the “embarrassing supporter” type for us on the right.
    How would we play Mahler’s “Titan” Symphony without at least the concept of a Klezmer band? It definitely has to stay.

  4. But, but…how could you have Mahler without “perfecting Jews”? He changed his coat.
    Don’t sweat the Klezmer. When Steve Allen invented Jazz, in 1954, he filled it with Gershwin tunes. And, if you listen real close to the first note of Rhapsody in Blue, you hear where Gershwin was coming from. So even if Ann perfects them all, you’ll still have dat kwaazy kat musik, kleverly kamouflaged as Brown People Sounds. It’s a konspiracy–and Steve Allen’s in it up to his horn-rimmed eyeballs.
    (**IMAO note, it was noted leftiste Jules Pfeiffer who uncovered this)

  5. Think of a prominent Muslim in this country saying Christians will become “perfected” when they become Muslim.

    If that’s fine with you, cool, but that’s how Ann Coulter’s statement reads.

    P.S. When Jews become perfected will they get any sort of magical powers and can they use them at will?

  6. When last I looked we still had freedom of speech. If Ann offends you don’t listen to her. You can also say she’s full of rabbit poo. That’s your choice.
    Besides I’m sure Jewish folk never make those same kind of remarks about Christians. Wait a minute……….. oh, yeah Hollywierd doesn’t count. They hate themselves and everyone else. My bad.

  7. Seriously, what was she thinking? Can you imagine if someone like Louis Farrakhan said something like that about Judaism or Christianity? Imagine the outrage!
    Or what if a prominent legal organization went out of their way to abolish Christianity -specifically- from schools & public government buildings? Surely they would get tarred and feathered for their views…

  8. #7 – Posted by: K T Cat
    #13 – Posted by: AlanABQ’
    AMEN Brother! I am so damn sick and tired of “religious” people worried about what kind of car Jesus would drive. ( FYI A big ass suv. All the better to run over hippies with. ) Why the hell is it ok for muslims to talk about the great monkey, or whatever. But God forbid a Christian say that’s a good choice? If someone does NOT believe they have the fast track to God. Well then, they don’t go to church to worship. They go to keep track of the neighbors.
    Screw ’em. The ones bitching about it have no more backbone than John Edwards.
    also waiting for info on what the bloody hell the friggin Klezmer is……

  9. 14 Ed– Klezmer is a type of music associated with orthodox Jewry. Think the “L’Chiam” scene in Fiddler on the Roof.

    Poor Ann. Open mouth, insert foot. Wait… she has a new book out… oh! Smart Ann.
    The problem is that she uses a doctrinal word like “perfected” and unbelievers think she means it in the literal sense. Other than that, I’m with Alan ABQ and KT Cat. As usual

  10. I have to say it seems pretty obvious to me she was just saying it for the reaction. I mean lets think about this, mid 40s, single women, no kids, poses in sexual outfits on her website. Yea sounds like a real fundie to me.
    That said as jew I feel the need to add that we DON’T believe non jews are bound to hell. Really we don’t. Ya know that chosen people thing? well what we were “chosen” for was to follow gods laws. That means while we gotta do all that praying and mitzvahs and what not ya’ll just have to try hard to be good. Judaism is not an evangelical religion, which means by default we don’t expect everyone to believe the way we do. I think many evangicals have stopped insisting jews go to hell out of respect for the commonness of beliefs and to create a better Christian-Jewish relationship.

  11. That means while we gotta do all that praying and mitzvahs and what not ya’ll just have to try hard to be good. Judaism is not an evangelical religion, which means by default we don’t expect everyone to believe the way we do.
    Yes, but do you get any magical powers?

  12. As an Orthodox Jew (who can’t stand klezmer!) I could care less what Ann says. Her belief that I’m going to hell unless I find Jesus has no bearing on my life at all, (unless she’s right). So, I’ll go about my unperfected ways quite happily. Now, if she were stating that my civil rights as an American be taken away because I’m unperfected, I’d be brassed off. And I’d point out that she was quite clearly born a man. I’m just saying, that’s some adam’s apple she has.

  13. KT Cat is exactly right.
    If you don’t think your religion is, frankly, better than all the others, then either 1) you need to change religions, or 2) religion is nothing more than a fashion statement or hobby for you.
    Your faith is your life guide, and those of us who are Christians believe it is the best path, much like those who are practicing Jews or Muslims, etc., feel about their religions.
    So, wiping away the PC crap, she didn’t say anything offensive.
    Ya know, when I was younger there were a series of joke books: jokes about Irish, Italian, Polish, etc., and everyone in school had them, and the first one you went and bought was the one about your nationality. However, now everyone’s way too John Edwards to handle anything anyone says without pretending to be “offended.”

  14. I just think it’s a sad state of affairs that all these Jewish groups & other people are petitioning the media outlets to stop airing her statements or having her on their shows.
    Freedom of speech? Sure. Freedom of religion? Sure, why not. Free to combine the two? NO WAY! BOYCOTT! BOYCOTT!
    Does anybody see the stupidity behind this? She didn’t say anything mean or racist or even derogatory about Jews. All she did was proclaim her opinion based on the Great Commission of the Christian faith, not out of hatred or spite, but out of love in her Messiah’s name.
    But once again we get to learn that “Hate Speech” is anything spoken or written that isn’t just limited to genuinely hateful, foul and vitriolic verbiage; it apparently includes remarks that might be unflattering, slightly detracting, mildly insensitive, and/or not gushing with praise for the subject matter. It also includes statements based on faith, or more specific, statements that might possibly offend those individuals of another faith (whether they actually practice said faith or not; usually not until it’s politically convenient).
    Y’know, it’s not like she pulled a “Kramer”. It wasn’t even as bad as Don Imus’s remarks, which weren’t even that bad. Rosie O’Donnell said worse things on a daily basis when she was screen-filler on ‘The View’, yet no one was screaming for blood about that.

  15. Sorry, Laurence. We didn’t mean to hijack your post. I was just noting all the hype behind this issue with Coulter, and since none of the other blogmeisters posted anything about it, your comment section was the obvious rant-o-rama.

  16. I’ll believe in “perfected” Jews when I can sit in a restaurant and not hear some fat yenta whine “Excuse me, but we’ve been waiting a very long time!” Funny thing is, after the put-upon server is hopping to it for Esther & Co., you’ll hear them mutter “I mean, Jesus Christ – how long does it take to get some service?”
    By the way, how can you tell it was the Jews and not the Romans who killed Christ? Because they only used three nails…

  17. “I post a simple, goofy one-liner and everybody’s reading way, way too deep into that one line.
    Heh heh heh.
    I wish my job was like this. You can do just a little bit of work, sit back, and let everyone else do the rest. You must be management material – LOL!

  18. I think any goyim who wants to get smart-alecky about the eternal destination of Jews out to at least read Romans 11:13-24, and better yet, all of Romans 9-11. If Ms. Coulter is afraid the Jews will go to Hell, wouldn’t she rather help persuade them of the wisdom of following Jesus than condemning them? God doesn’t want anyone to burn; we shouldn’t either.

  19. “I post a simple, goofy one-liner and everybody’s reading way, way too deep into that one line.
    Heh heh heh.

    Do you read Scott Adams’ blog? I think, at this point, he would be posting “Dance monkey dance!”

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