Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgRock & Roll trivia: a young John Edwards had a cameo in the Dire Straits “Money for Nothing” video (about the 1:50 mark), during the line “the little faggot with the earring and the makeup”.
Bonus Fact from Silicon Valley Jim:
John Edwards is having a hard time deciding on his Hallowe’en costume – Wonder Woman, Snow White, Liberace, a ballerina… they just all seem so… butch.

America Can’t Win the "War On Fire"
An Editorial by Harvey

After the all of endless days of the California fire quagmire, it’s time for America to admit that it can’t win this battle. We must immediately withdraw our forces and go home. But until our so-called “leaders” in Washington wise up to the folly of their current course, all we can do is ask ourselves, “why does fire hate us?”.
The roots go deep.

“it’s no wonder fire hates us. We’ve been demonizing it ever since the first cinematic Frankenstein monster said ‘Fire bad!’.”

In the 12th century, when Europe was suffering through it’s Dark Ages, fire was the most enlightened thing on the planet. It provided warmth and illumination to those who were wise in its ways. Truly it was the engine of civilization.
Fire has never forgotten this, though apparently WE have, and our ingratitude to our betters galls them.
We think ourselves so sophisticated with our electricity and our central heating, but if fire hadn’t paved the way for us, we’d be lost.
We offend fire by occupying the holy lands of burnable, burnable forests with our “fireless” nuclear power plants, claiming that we are “better than mere flames”. We laugh at fire’s “primitiveness” and “simplicity”.
Well, apparently fire is stronger than we think, as it continues to prove itself unstoppable despite our recent surge of extinguishing agents. Water, and by extension America, is no match for such a primal force.
How foolish fighting fire is. And what a waste of resources in a country where there are children without health insurance.
And it’s no wonder fire hates us. We’ve been demonizing it ever since the first cinematic Frankenstein monster said “Fire bad!”. We tell our children not to play with matches or they’ll wet the bed. We won’t even allow lighters on airline flights! Even before the fire is made, it’s assumed to be evil by its very nature. Plus we only allow fire the most menial of jobs in this country – barbecues, fireplaces, scented candles – is it any wonder that fire resents us so deeply?
I, for one, don’t blame it. And I am ashamed to be an American.
Of course, even though I understand fire’s anger, I certainly don’t think violence is the answer. Naturally, like all decent people, I don’t approve of fires raging through California. Still, I think we should at least consider containment as an option, rather than direct confrontation. Give fire a certain area of land to live as it pleases, and only react if it takes the initiative to cross borders. At that point, we should definitely consider economic sanctions.
I believe in co-existence. I think we can get along peaceably with fire if we just set our pride aside and give it some of what it wants.

After all, it’s not called “the combustion of peace” for nothing.

Harvey is a non-disabled Navy veteran accidentally hired to fill an affirmative action quota at IMAO.us. He is also the author of such books as “Genocide: Smokey the Bear’s Brutal Crusade Against Fire” and “Heat + Fuel + Oxygen = Fun!”.

Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

Hillary Clinton’s parents’ last name was actually “Sodom” though they changed it at Ellis Island after immigrating here from Mordor.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson is a master of all sports. He once batted a football into a basket hoop located on the green of a par 5 hole that was being guarded by the world’s best goalie (hockey, not soccer).