NEW YORK (AP) – After Senator Harry Reid publicly criticized radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh of “spew[ing] hate and impugn[ing] the integrity of our troops” for calling phony soldier Jesse MacBeth a “phony soldier”, Air America radio talk show hostess Randi Rhodes called Reid a “phony Democrat”.
Rhodes tells phony “White Wizard” Saruman that Rohan is the Uruk-hai’s Vietnam.
“What the hell is Reid doing, sticking up for those murdering, baby-rapist, cold-blooded killers that Bushitler has rampaging through Iraq?” an incredulous Rhodes asked. “How DARE he imply that it’s ok for non-rethuglicans to say even a single word in favor of the miscreant mercenaries fighting Chimpy McLiar’s illegal, unilateral war for oil!”
“Reid is a phony Democrat, and he certainly isn’t representative of MY Democratic party,” continued the near-ratingsless radio personality, adjusting her drool cup and hockey helmet. “MY Democrats are opposed to the racism, hatred, killing and violence that happens to innocent brown people who deliberately target women and children. All we want is for the world to come together in peace and understanding, except for Army officers who should all be fragged by their troops.”
Senator Reid’s office responded to the questioning of his lib street cred with the following press release:
“Wasn’t he Ozzy’s guitarist? I thought he was dead.”
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