The Invisible Hand of IMAO

If “give me back my freedom” is equivalent to “punch the hippies,” then we have confirmation that Fred Thompson agrees 100% with my t-shirt:

After a recent Thompson speech in Iowa a member of the audience called out: “Kill the terrorists, secure the border, and give me back my freedom.” Thompson replied “you just summed up my whole speech.”

Now There’s a Laugh

If only Hillary could laugh like this:

Hat tip to reader Casper the Friendly Host.
From reader Fast Eddie, girl watches video of the dad at the Comedy Barn:

Why are funny laughs so funny? And I think it’s a laugh with and not a laugh at, oddly enough, like a funny laugh is infectious.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgIn the upcoming Batman film Dark Knight, John Edwards will play archvillain “The Manhole Inspector”.

It’s Like Yelling, “Hey Moron!” and Seeing Who Turns Around

You’ve probably heard of the phony controversy of Rush Limbaugh’s “phony soldiers” comment in which he was talking about people falsely pretending to be soldiers to speak against the war, i.e., not real soldiers but phony ones. Some reason, anti-war vets like Jon Soltz (last seen shouting down a man in uniform speaking in favor of his mission) assumed Rush was talking about him, which is somewhat psychologically revealing. It’s like how no one actually questions John Kerry’s patriotism but he kept assuming everyone was.
Anyway, I find it interesting that with there being millions of men and women in both active and reserves, liberals still feel the need to use made up soldiers like Jesse Macbeth to find enough vets to speak out against the Iraq war. I think that’s because most real Americans don’t want to have anything to do with the Kwazy Kos Krowd. Also, with all their blatant disdain for the troops, it seems you’d have to be a bit self-loathing to be both in the military and associated with those freaks.

Or Maybe She Just Got a Low Dose of Joker Venom

Hillary Clinton has gotten a lot of slack for the odd cackle she makes with such strange timing:

I think it’s a bit mean to be criticizing her for this, though. She spent months and months learning how to make a sound that resembles human laughter and when to apply it. Yes, it’s far from perfect, but it was at least close enough that you understood it’s supposed to be laughter.
Bravo, Hillary. You get an ‘A’ for effort from IMAO.

Randi Rhodes Accuses Senator Reid of Being a “Phony Democrat”

NEW YORK (AP) – After Senator Harry Reid publicly criticized radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh of “spew[ing] hate and impugn[ing] the integrity of our troops” for calling phony soldier Jesse MacBeth a “phony soldier”, Air America radio talk show hostess Randi Rhodes called Reid a “phony Democrat”.

Rhodes tells phony “White Wizard” Saruman that Rohan is the Uruk-hai’s Vietnam.

“What the hell is Reid doing, sticking up for those murdering, baby-rapist, cold-blooded killers that Bushitler has rampaging through Iraq?” an incredulous Rhodes asked. “How DARE he imply that it’s ok for non-rethuglicans to say even a single word in favor of the miscreant mercenaries fighting Chimpy McLiar’s illegal, unilateral war for oil!”
“Reid is a phony Democrat, and he certainly isn’t representative of MY Democratic party,” continued the near-ratingsless radio personality, adjusting her drool cup and hockey helmet. “MY Democrats are opposed to the racism, hatred, killing and violence that happens to innocent brown people who deliberately target women and children. All we want is for the world to come together in peace and understanding, except for Army officers who should all be fragged by their troops.”
Senator Reid’s office responded to the questioning of his lib street cred with the following press release:
“Wasn’t he Ozzy’s guitarist? I thought he was dead.”

Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

The reason Hillary still keeps Bill around is that he’s one of her horcruxes.

Ann Coulter Making People Mad Again

Ann Coulter said that “If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat president.” Isn’t that unfairly singling out women, though? Can’t we instead just say that people without penises tend to vote for Democrats.

Making the World Safe from Barack Obama

Barack Obama wants to reduce the number of nukes in the world starting with America’s own stockpiles. How in the world is America made safer by getting rid of its nukes? Has America threatened to nuke itself or something? Or is Obama so stupid he might nuke us and thus we have to get rid of our weapons if he’s president just like you lock up your guns if a three-year-old is running around the house?

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson has a plan to simultaneous reduce the number of nukes and countries.