John Hawkins polled right wing bloggers on their least favorite conservatives, and once again we have a poll in which Ron Paul easily seized the lead.
Fred Thompson on the Fairness Doctrine.
Archive of entries posted on 8th October 2007
Ronin Profile: Gunny
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Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Gunny.
What’s the story behind your name? The name comes from two things, a love of guns and a love of the USMC. If I am lucky enough, I hope to one day be able to rightfully claim the title of Gunnery Sergeant.
Where do you live? I live in south west Connecticut, and my Congressman is a an excellent RINO named Christopher Shays. The Gov. also claims to be a Republican but she keeps talking about raising taxes so…
How old are you? I am old enough to join the Marine Corp but young enough to need my parents to sign, (which mean no Infantry for me)
Tell us briefly about yourself. I used to be fairly politically ignorant, I only had a general sense that liberals were evil and/or stupid. I then read a book by a very fine woman named Ann Coulter, through her talents as a witch… err writer, I have become infused with a great hatred for all things of the left. In fact just the other day my history teacher was commenting how I seem to think that everything left of center is communism. Which it is of course. Oh and I like to shoot things, I am not sure if this is due to being conservative or Itailan but either way it is a lot of fun.
How long have you been reading IMAO? Sadly it has only been about three years but I am here to stay.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? Any In my World that has Donald Rumsfeld or Buck the Marine, and the Fred Thompson facts.
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? Right-wing comedy, & news
What’s you favorite political issue? I would have to say either 2nd amendment rights or National security, I feel that both are extremely imporatant to the continued survival of this country in the way in which it was intended by the Founding Fathers.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. No
[Fine, then. -Ed.]
How much lead should children toys have? I think that this is directly related to how liberal the children’s parents are, liberal people tend to raise liberal children, therefore the more liberal the parents are the more lead their kids toys should contain.
If you commented in the last post asking for participants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.
Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact
John Edwards always wanted to be… a LUMBERJACK!
Bonus Fact from Bill O’Reilly (via Damian G. of Conservathink):
A decision made by John Edwards this week was widely interpreted as a sign that his campaign is in trouble. What did he do?
a) Cut his staff by 30%
b) Accepted public financing
c) Agreed to appear on Fox News
d) Cancelled a scheduled visit to Iowa
e) Shared a hotel room with Dennis Kucinich
Frank Suggestions for Fred Thompson Debate Questions
Tomorrow is the first debate with Fred Thompson (on MSNBC — everyone’s least favorite NBC). Here are my suggestions for some questions for him:
“When you bring your judgment upon on the world, who, if any, will be spared?”
“How many of your fellow candidates will you allow to live?”
“You said you will destroy any who dares questions you. Does that include debate moderators?”
“After you put Ron Paul’s head on a pike, what are your plans if any who his body?”
“Did you only come to this debate for the opportunity to savagely debate Keith Olbermann?”
“How awesome is it to be so awesome?”
Put your ideas for debate questions in the comments. Best one wins…
High Praise!
Edwards Offers Final Solution to Problem of Inner City Youth Violence
WASHINGTON (AP) – During a recent MTV/MySpace forum, presidential hopeful John Edwards outlined his plan to solve inner city violence, which apparently consists of filling every prison in America with black youths, and then having the rest of the male African-American population summarily executed.
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“We start,” said Edwards, “with the president of the United States saying to America, ‘we cannot build enough prisons to solve this problem.’ And the idea that we can keep incarcerating and keep incarcerating — pretty soon we’re not going to have a young African-American male population in America. They’re all going to be in prison or dead. One of the two.”
During the ensuing hush, wherein the only audible noise was that of gently whirring camera motors, the former Senator clarified his comments. “I don’t think there’s a silver bullet for this,” Edwards explained, “but with enough lead bullets – 9mm jacketed hollow-points spring to mind – I think a lot of the inner-city violence in this country can be eliminated. Or at least the perpetrators can, and that’s a darn good start.”
When one audience member pointed out that this was tantamount to genocide, Edwards stared off into space a moment, glassy-eyed, before giggling girlishly and returning his attention to the audience.
“Being a former trial lawyer, I’m familiar with the importance of correctly defining terms,” explained Edwards. “‘Genocide’ is the deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic, religious or national group. Although I do plan to start with an African-American genocide, my complete plans for this nation will eventually include the brutal slaughter of everyone who does not possess perfect hair. Obviously no nappy-headed ho’s need apply for survival on this one, which is why I’m starting with the blacks.”
“Right now, there are two Americas,” Edwards continued gleefully, ” the America with perfect hair, and the scalpularly-challenged America. I believe the world will be better off when there’s only one America. A perfect-haired America. An America whose population is… me. That’s why everyone else must die.”
“If you thought the Barackalypse was something,” concluded Edwards, “wait until you see Johnageddon.”
[Hat tip: Teresa of Technicalities]
Happy White Male Oppressor Day!
Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths
Liberals and Patriotism FAQ
Q. Do liberals love America as much as normal people?
A. No. They hate America. Every time America succeeds, they gnash their teeth and stomp their feet in impotent rage — their favorite kind of rage.
Q. Why do they hate America?
A. The greatness of America reminds them of how small and petty they are. Rugged individualism makes their fragile collectivism look pathetic. Also, liberals are just evil, vile creatures. And they smell. They’re unpatriotic, smelly people.
Q. If they hate America so much, why don’t they just leave?
A. They’re lazy, and flying is annoying and expensive these days. It’s much easier to stay and parasitically suck off the accomplishments of their betters whom they despise. Plus, they’re afraid another country might expect them to get an actual job.
Q. If they hate America, why do they want to be in charge?
A. It’s the best way to destroy America and make the people they despise suffer. Every morning they wake up rubbing their tiny hands together as they envision how much they can make Americans suffer when they’re in control.
Q. If they control America, will they stop hating it?
A. No, because it will still be full of what liberals hate the most: Americans. They will do all they can to break the spirit of Americans so they will no longer feel so small.
Q. I thought they wanted power to help poor people or some such crap?
A. No, they look down on and despise poor people just as much as anyone else. All of the talk of helping the oppressed is just a cover to their hating America and wanting to destroy it. A choice between making Americans suffer and helping people is no choice at all.
Q. Why don’t liberals wear American flag pins?
A. Simple answer is because the American flag symbolizes what liberals hate more than anything: America. Also, it leaves less room for buttons proclaiming their hatred of all things American.
Q. Do liberals support the troops?
A. Not the American ones. American troops willing joined the military to fight to preserve the greatness of America, and thus liberals hate them more than life itself. They’re is nothing they hate more than the troops.
Q. If liberals hate America so much, why do they get so touchy when they think someone is questioning their patriotism?
A. Because deep down they know they are wretched creatures for hating so great a country. When they lash out at those they perceive to be questioning their patriotism, they’re actually lashing out against themselves. You get yourselves, liberals! You make you pay!
Q. If it’s so obvious that liberals hate America, why don’t more people question their patriotism?
A. Because questioning patriotism is wrong. And before you take me out of context, I’m not questioning the patriotism of any liberals. I’m just writing words and stuff.