John Edwards thinks it’s strange that Ken dolls aren’t sold in pairs.
Bonus Fact From Jim:
John Edwards had one tattoo.
It’s a unicorn.
It’s on his butt.
It washes off.
Archive of entries posted on 6th October 2007
Gonna Settle This Once and For All
Despite Frank’s best efforts to clarify things, people are still getting us confused, and I’ve also noticed an uptick in repetition of insidious rumors that Frank and I are really the same person.
Well, you can put that crazy notion to rest, since there are at least a dozen people who’ve seen us in the same room at the same time.
Not to mention blurry photographic evidence of us chatting outdoors over cigars back in 2005, conspiring to bring IMAO into the realm of groupblogdom:
So, let us quell this ridiculous gossip-mongering, and relax in the knowledge that Frank and I are, indeed, separate entities and not some bizarre, Jekyll & Hyde of baby-faced Christian and bearded atheist.
Such a notion is almost as ridiculous as believing that fire could melt steel.
Barack Obama’s Cigarette Lighter
Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths
Weekend Question
Daily Fred Thompson Fact
Fred Thompson has never been beaten at Candy Land.
[Am I getting these confused with John Edwards facts again? -Ed.]