Buy a Piece of History

41 Democratic Senators signed a letter smearing Rush Limbaugh and sent it to the CEO of Clear Channel Communications. Rush is now selling the letter on eBay with the proceeds going to a Marine charity. Do you think it will be a Rush fan who places the highest bid or some weirdo who really loves Democratic Senators?
(hat tip to Hot Air)

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgThe worst part of being John Edwards’s secretary? Constantly being called into his office to help him pull Post-It Notes off legal documents.
Bonus Fact from Casper the Friendly Host:
Fred Thompson isn’t the only candidate with a trophy wife; unfortunately for John Edwards, his trophy was for last place.

Fun Trivia

Who was the first recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

More Hate Crimes At Columbia University

NEW YORK (AP) – Just days after a noose was hung on the door of a black professor, Columbia University was shocked by another vicious hate crime – a tea bag hung on the door of an American History professor.

Tea – beverage of hate.

Dr. Eric Foner, author of such books as “America: Better Than YOUR Stinking Third-World Country” and “England Sucks Ass: The Secret Cause of the American Revolution”, was appalled to discover the tea bag stapled to his office door.
“Every knows,” Dr. Foner said, “that tea – and England totally sucking ass – was the primary cause of the American Revolutionary war. Those inbred lime-lickers used it for years to oppress the American people. To hang a smelly, drippy leaf-sack on an American’s door like that… the ultimate symbol of the cruel British boot-heel that tried to stomp the life out of our young nation… it’s like racism, except a million times worse because it’s happening to white people.”
Local police said that their hate crimes unit had mounted a full investigation, including testing the tea bag for traces of poor oral hygiene which might prove a British connection.
Columbia students rallied in support of the victimized professor on Thursday, chanting slogans such as “No taxation without representation!” and “Hey! Hey! Earl Grey! Drinking tea will make you gay!”
A small group of counterprotesters stood at the edge of the commons during the rally, diffidently sipping Darjeeling whilst maintaining a stiff upper lip and pretending that soccer was actually a sport instead of a trivial field exercise for the insufficiently aggressive offspring of pampered suburbanites. They quickly dispersed after a group of men dressed as Indians threatend to throw them into a nearby harbor.

The New Captain America

Notice I don't have a very large roster of reoccurring villains; I wonder why that is? (wink) (wink)Hello, Aquafans!
Marvel has released images of the new Captain America. The original, Steve Rogers, was gunned down recently (he probably should have tried using that shield of his to block the bullets; just a suggestion), but apparently some yet to be named person will be taking over and become the new Captain America… and he’s packing heat!

The new Captain America has a gun and testicles.

Good, I say. Regular Americans carry guns, so shouldn’t Captain America have tons of firearms? Frankly, Captain America not having a gun is like Captain Canada not riding a moose. Also, he used to shoot Nazis back in WWII, so he should be the first one in line to shoot terrorists now? If he were really Captain America, he’d be shooting so many terrorists that everyone else would be yelling, “Hey! Leave some for us to shoot, Cap!” But before his death, Captain America tended to throw his shield like a discus instead of shooting. How gay is that? Is Captain America supposed to represent all of America, or just San Francisco?
Now, I don’t usually carry a gun because they’re not very effective underwater (see various episodes of Mythbusters), but I do have a concealed carry permit from the state of Florida so I can carry when on dry land where my powers aren’t as effective. Batman gives me slack for that, but I don’t take lectures from grown men who run around in bat costumes.
I guess the main problem superheroes have with guns is that most superheroes go by a strict no killing rule. Yes, we have to save billions of lives from giant alien menaces, but heaven forbid we kill one of the bad guys in the process. Now, I’m not saying I kill bad guys; I’m just saying that the ocean is big and things happen.
Later, Aquafans!
This is frontpage of right now. I guess it was either this or Al Gore and his Nobel Douche Prize.

Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

One of the biggest complaints of Hillary’s campaign staff is the awful stench that comes from the flying monkeys’ cages.

An Idea…

Considering how the winners of the Nobel Peace Prize are often people like Arafat, Jimmy Carter, and Al Gore, shouldn’t we rename it the Biggest Douche in the Universe award?

Nobel Prize Awarded To Global Polluter

Peace of $#** Prize Winners

Well, it’s official.

Just as the buzz predicted, the winner of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize is former Vice President of the United States Al Gore for spreading the word on global warming.

If he’s ‘spreading the word’ on global warming, why hasn’t changed his jet setting lifestyle? I guess at his palatial energy guzzling home the ‘word on global warming’ has to be spread pretty thin.
So what does his winning this mean? Well it means the Nobel prize committee folk aren’t getting any less liberal. and well be saturated with more GoreBal Alarming media blather for at least a solid two weeks.

On the bright side, Rush Limbaugh will no doubt have plenty to say today since he was nominated for it too.

I need a graphic for this post, will someone make me one?

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson’s campaign song is Drowning Pool’s “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor.”