I got on another conference call with the Fred Thompson campaign by pretending to be from Townhall.com. This time it was campaign manager Bill Lacy and Fred Thompson pollster John McLaughlin along with Fred Thompson web guy Jon Henke.
First off, Bill Lacy wanted to make it clear that he could not over hype this Sunday’s debate enough. He said Fred Thompson’s performance will be “life-changing” and afterwards we will “never look at politics the same way again” and it will be as exciting as “Die Hard times a million.” It was a great call, but frankly, being a quarter Italian, I was little oft put by the ethnic slurs they used when talking about Giuliani.
Just kidding. Bill Lacy said we can expect Fred Thompson to be more like he was in the last third of his first debate. Also, Jon Henke will be liveblogging again and Carlos Pueblo will be liveblogging the debate in Spanish (presumably at the Fred File; to me, this was the most interesting announcement considering how all the Republicans skipped the Spanish debate). I’m actually a little excited to watch this one (8pm ET Sunday on FOX News), because expectation are a bit higher now that Fred Thompson has done one debate (and did pretty well).
Anyway, I took notes this time. They aren’t very good notes, but here there are and maybe you can figure out what they mean:
Bill Lacy
John McLaughlin
Carlos Pueblo live blog in Spanish.
First live blog debate?
Zach RedState: Unity in campaign
A: Way to unite party is to stick to conservative principles. Front runners have fallen behind Hillary.
Some other guy: Missed his question while writing “Some other guy” for his name since I missed his intro.
A. Lots of states and dates and polls mentioned.
PJM (missed name): What is approach to North East states?
A. Caution with hand on gun.
Actual A. Need to focus on early states and not just back on later states like Giuliani is planning. Expect erosion of Giuiliani support as people see how liberal he is.
Newsbusters: What if Romney wins New Hampshire in Iowa?
A. He’s declining there in the polls.
Matt Lewis from TownHall.com: What are the expectation for the second debate?
A. (Bill takes it) Fred will be like at last third of previous debate.
(McLaughlin) MSM doesn’t get conservative messages.
Anon: What was your reaction to the Chris Matthews incident?
A. (Bill) Fred demonstrated he could take anybody on.
Once again, here’s a better summary from Jim Geraghty. I didn’t ask a question this time since I already know everything.