Ronin Profile: howlsatmoon


Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s howlsatmoon.

What’s the story behind your name? My Grandfather gave it to me, along with the Wolf totem as my “spirit guide”. Seems I was a Loud baby. When finally deciding to give Blogging a try, much to my joy, it was available. Most people refer to me by my Christian name, [redacted]. Old days compatriots use a variant of Wollf.
Where do you live? One of the “safest” cities in the States, Thousand Oaks, Cali. Of course it’s safe. I live here. Heh.
How old are you? I am exactly [redacted]. Ok, old enuff to be a fan of Nixon for getting us out of ‘Nam before I would have deployed there, but young enuff to Really enjoy doing “stuff” with a ten year old son, a fifteen year old son and an eighteen year old daughter.
Tell us briefly about yourself. [redacted]. Ok, real short. The truth is that I’m a new “semi single” guy after twenty years, dealing with the ups and downs of divorce, the ups only of being the best Dad that I can to three “at home” kids, re-inventing myself, learning about adult ADD recently diagnosed, and learning that life is brand new an fun again.
How long have you been reading IMAO? I’ve lurked around the periphery,(college word), for about three years. Just since the beginning of my evolution have I begun joining in the fray.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? Oh, actually anything that includes monkeys, Fred Thompson, Silky Pony, Aquaman, Harvey, punching hippies, large explosives on our nearest celestial neighbor, stupid people being shot, kos kids, Billary, Bushitler, or the advantages of Miracle Whip over Mayonnaise. (that last one destroys marriages)

If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? Daily “Snortmycoffeeoutthroughmynose” Moment.
What’s you favorite political issue? National Security. Yup, I know that’s broad, but I’m ADD, remember? It includes illegal immigration, the war on terror, Second Amendment rights and Military and Intelligence funding. Everything else is useless tripe if we all go “boom”.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. Yes, I do. What it’s about is whatever direction I let my mind go any given night. You never know what you’re gonna get. Evolution of the Spirit, Rants, Relationships, Kids, Love, Rage, Humor, Opinion…….It’s a work in progress, but it’s been Great for me. That’s where I tell everyone and yet No one about me.
Should we let the Chinese land on the moon? Absolutely !! In fact, All of them. Hmmm…except for the Chinese that live in the States ‘cuz they’re “Mericans and I really like mu shu chicken, and Jackie Chan, (except his latest movie kinda blows). And the fact that with all those Chinese people up there, the moon might spin out of control and off into some distant galaxy and Frank wouldn’t have anything to go “boom”, and I wouldn’t have anything to Howl at.
Screw it. Tell ’em to stay where they are. We got there first and it’s Our flag up there. Besides, I have a financial stake in this. I seem to remember getting drunk and buying a square foot of “Luna Terra” back in the early eighties. Better Dead than Red on My real estate, Commie.

If you commented in the last post asking for participants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards can’t understand how his secretary can always manage to get a staple through two sheets of paper in one shot.
Bonus Fact from Chris:
Whenever John Edwards hears the song “Butterfly Kisses” he gets flashbacks of the ‘incident’ in his ‘boyhood’ where he was ravaged by a Monarch.
Bonus Fact From Silicon Valley Jim:
60% of the depletion of earth’s ozone layer is due to John Edwards’s personal grooming practices, scientists said today.
Bonus Fact From Casper the Friendly Host:
Knowing he wouldn’t have time during the campaign season, John Edwards went to his orthodontist last spring asking if the “Perfect Smile”came in a “Fold-Back Teeth” model.

SCHIP – The REAL Reason for the Veto

On Wednesday, President Bush vetoed the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), ostensibly because he considered it a banana peel on the already slippery slope to socialized medicine.
While true, that’s not the whole reason.
Although Bush may be too much of a gentleman to point it out, the fact is that the Democrats larded the bill up with so much pork and so many pet projects that Bush had no alternative. Here are some of more pungent items in the bill that recently bore the brunt of the President’s unforgiving veto pen:

“Send me another piece o’ crap bill like that and I’ll pound you like the Jena 6 beatin’ up a white kid!”
  • Changing the program’s name to the Robert C. Byrd State Children’s Health Insurance Program.
  • Bill of attainder for Rush Limbaugh.
  • Research grant to investigate why chubby interns don’t do laundry after adulterous sexual encounters.
  • Redesigning the dollar by replacing “In God We Trust” with “In Global Warming We Believe”.
  • A program to raise awareness of which Senators served in Vietnam, with a goal that every American will have that knowledge seared… seared into their memories.
  • Non-binding resolution stating “George Bush has bigger jug-headed monkey ears than the cover of Pink Floyd’s Relics“.
  • A law banning restroom-based sting operations.
  • Sense of the Senate resolution stating “we support the troops as long as they don’t kill or offend terrorists.”
  • Declaring English to be America’s offical language, para Espanol oprima el numero dos.
  • Free gin & hookers for any Senator whose last name ends with “ennedy”.

Sadly, the veto also quashed the formal declaration of Fred Thompson’s appointment to God-Emperor of America and All Her Conquered Territories, Both Those Fallen and Those Soon to be Toppled, but that’ll come up again in January of 2009, anyway.

Support the Troops Magnets and American Flag Pins Are For Conservatives, Silly Liberals

This whole episode of the liberals pretending they think Rush Limbaugh was insulting the troops and that they’re indignant about it (“He can’t insult the troops; that’s our job!”) is pretty pathetic. I mean, do they really want to make this a contest of who the troops thinks supports them more: Rush or liberals? You can’t crap on the troops’ mission and constantly imply they’re all morons and murderous kill-bots and suddenly ride to their defense.
Note to Liberals: You hate the troops and the troops hate you. That’s the status quo and I don’t see any reason to mess with it. You guys despise America and all the better men who made the country what it is while parasitically feeding off America’s wealth and freedoms. If you didn’t do that, you wouldn’t be liberals. We’re all used to it, so why do you cockroaches suddenly want to shine light on yourselves? You want us to notice you’ve been basically rooting for the away team this whole war?
Not smart, bro.

Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

The Chinese have stopped funding research into a neutron bomb so they can pour money into something even more potentially destructive: the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Remind Me Not to Anger the Gays

Just saw this on FOX News. Ouch.

The American Flag Pin Is Too Heavy a Burden to Bear

Obama says he won’t wear a flag pin because he’s like too good for it or something. Disdain for patriotism certainly isn’t going to hurt you in a Democratic primary, but this still worries me. I just noticed something about his name: Barack Hussein Obama. Not very American sounding, is it? Come to think of it, do we even have proof he is an American? I know one place you won’t find that proof: his lapel.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

If Fred Thompson sees any flag flying higher than the American flag, he will rip it down… even when visiting a foreign country.