Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgSmoothness is measured on the “Edwards Scale”, with a baby’s bottom being 9 and John Edwards’s “area” being the hypothetical maximum 10. The hypothetical 0 point has never actually been attained, although some claim that either Mount Everest or Edward James Olmos’s face would qualify.
Bonus Fact from Chris:
John Edwards’ favorite spice girl… Mrs. Dash
John Edwards prefers white rice… the flavor of brown rice is too bold
John Edwards’ secret family recipe for a great cup coffee:
* 1 large mug with luke warm water
* 3 drops brown food coloring
* a whisper of powdered sugar for flavor
Bonus Fact from Silicon Valley Jim:
Kellie Pickler was recently sued by the Edwards campaign for plagiarism, as all the lyrics to “Things That Never Cross a Man’s Mind“, are direct quotes from John Edwards.

Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

If Hillary Clinton supporters are going door to door in your neighborhood, just mark your doorpost with lamb’s blood and they’ll not bother you.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

It only takes one lick for Fred Thompson to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop.