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Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s GrannyBoo.
What’s the story behind your name? My given name was a mouthful for my nephews. The first one called me Biffer (which I liked), the second one called me Boo (which stuck). Now that I’m a (step) granny it continues. If I had had children of my own I would be Mommie Dearest. It crossed my mind to require the grandbabies to call me Grandmother Dearest but I guess I’m wimping out in my senescence. I tried to get the stepson and -daughter to call me StepMonster Dearest but they laughed at me. Does this mean I’m not as intimidating as I like to think I am?
Where do you live? (city, state) No city, thankyouverymuch. Rural Greene county, Indiana, aka God’s Country. About 35 miles SW of that oozing cesspool of liberal political correctness that is Bloomington, home of I.U. If we have to go there I fantasize about tipping over all the Mini Coopers with “Defeat Bush Again” and Darwin fish bumper stickers. Someday I’ll do it. Will IMAO readers collect money for my bail?
How old are you? Old enough to know better/Younger than springtime, depending on my mood. Born during the Eisenhower administration, on the first day that Armistice Day was called Veterans’ Day. (Quick! Everyone to wikipedia! But open a new tab so you can keep IMAO up.)
Tell us briefly about yourself. I used to have a sweatshirt which read: “Christian, American, Heterosexual, Pro-life, Right-wing Conservative. Any questions?” That about sums it up, except for the outdoors woman part. Hunt, fish, hike, water ski, garden, just generally play outdoors. Also, let sarahk know that I am a migraineur and so I understand her trials. (In fact I have one today. I’d be funnier if I could see out of my right eye and wasn’t so nauseated.)
How long have you been reading IMAO? Since the first Frank Facts About Fred Thompson. I followed a link from somewhere– maybe The Corner? I liked it so well I immediately dropped a bookmark into my toolbar. (High praise indeed. Not just everybody makes that slot.)
What’s your favorite IMAO post? lolterizt, IMAO Condensed, the Daily Fred Facts, Edwards Fabulous Facts and the new Hillary Terrible Truths. Actually, it’s all good. That’s how you made the toolbar.
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? Snarky, snarkier, snarkiest
What’s your favorite political issue? My heart belongs to state’s rights and limited government. Also protecting my right to own several firearms and go into the woods with a compound bow to shoot Bambi, Thumper, and other tasty woodland creatures.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. I am the web servant (I maintain the website) for my church, but I don’t even have a current essay up right now. Since its a church website I only write about spiritual issues there, anyway. Can’t get political or the IRS will come take Pastor away.
What’s your third favorite color? What a girlie, wussy bonus question! I was hoping for “what would you do with x superpower” or “whom should we nuke next”. Oh well. Okay– probably Mossy Oak Shadowgrass. Obsession is my favorite, but most of my stuff is in Break Up. The grey in the bark really brings out my hair….
If you commented in the last post asking for participants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated so far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.