My summary of how everyone did on tonight’s debate:
Fred Thompson: Awesome.
Everyone Else: They sucked.
BTW, remember my great Fred Thompson t-shirt you can buy to show your support. Not only does money go from it to support your favorite blogger (me, Frank J.), but buying it will also help the models afford pants.
Lastly, here’s what Fred Thompson doing awesome at the debate looks like in Spanish:
!Que grande el Senador Thompson al contestar la última pregunta del debate!
I don’t what that means, but it sounds about right.
He did even better talking to Hannity & Colmes after the debate. You’ll never hurt yourself with Republicans by overtly patronizing to Colmes.
I noticed when Ron Paul got going on an answer, his voice would get higher and higher pitched to the point I half expected him to start crying like a baby. He really whines too much for a Republican.
That, and he’s somehow collected every single nut with too much time on his hands in his cult of followers.
In his interview with H&C (all the candidates were interviewed afterwards) Ron Paul was upset that he wasn’t able to stack the audience which caused him to rightly get booed at points. He also pretended to think his five or six supporters that stacked the FNC text message poll reflected actual support.
Seriously, though, I thought it was a great debate and a lot of the candidates came off well. It’s almost like we Republicans have a strong field with a number of great candidates (and Ron Paul). SarahK and I actually got annoyed when the DVR messed up and caused us to miss some of it (we were watching it live, but somehow the box messed up and lost the feed at points).