Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

Hillary Clinton has never actually been to Arkansas or any other American state that doesn’t touch one of the coastlines.


  1. I’m sorry, Frank, but I don’t understand this one. I hate to sound like the biggest idiot on the planet (other than the designer of the Sherwin Williams logo), but could you give a small hint as to what it means?
    Charon Blackpowder.

  2. Well, it’s primarily the states on the east and west coast that are full of whiney, liberal morons. The states in the middle of the country are more conservative and less PC. These states are commonly referred to as “The Heartland” or “The not-so-crappy-and-full-of-homosexuals states”.
    Hilary’s never been to the Heartland, which is why she can’t understand why half the country would rather see her dead than president.

  3. It may not make any sense at all but that doesn’t mean you f@#$#@? don’t need to leave comments. Lots of Frank’s posts don’t make sense but that hasn’t stopped you all from commenting in the past. Come on!!! Where did everyone go. IMAO’s comments have dropped off a cliff the last few months. Let’s pick up the pace here.
    I may disagree with nearly everything Frank J and Harvey write but at least i leave comments! Step up and say something you lazy bitches.

  4. Coastlines, eh? I’d heard it was graveyards. She couldn’t go more than 666 yards from a graveyard without being carried about in a box with some dirt in it. There was something about garlic and mirrors, too, but I have to admit I wasn’t paying close attention.

  5. This woman, this couple needs to acquire a state where to rid one’s obligation by running over the family dog is a admirable and moral act, worthy of praise by the likes of Ted Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy, OJ Simpson, Charles Manson.

  6. #9 — no, I’m all in favor of keeping Sarcasm Man commenting. There’s a nice off-chance that he might actually learn how to be properly sarcastic, in which case he’ll start adding to the humor value of the site deliberately (as opposed to the accidental humor value he often contributes.) This too is (sorry Harvey) where Frank shines and Harvey is playing catch-up; Frank succeeds beautifully at taking things over the top to the point where they are laughable by illustrating the illogical conclusions of trains of thought, whereas Harvey, like me, is too serious and just tries too hard.
    (Now, anybody know how to dress this post up to take it over the top? Maybe something about how conservatives should stop commenting on this site and we should just bring a large club from the D.U. over here to amuse us?)

  7. Sadly, there are people here in Arkansas that actually believe that she gives a hoot about this state. Just recently, she finally got around to opening a campaign office here, and she didn’t even show up for the opening. She sent a flunky down to handle it for her.
    Hillary Clinton feels your pain.

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