Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards says it hurts his mouth to eat Cap’n Crunch.
Not the cereal.
Bonus Fact from Jim:
John Edwards is NOT gay…but he does play one on TV.

I’m Back, Foo!

The whole point of me telling you all the I’m going to be gone is so you know not to visit the site until I’m back. Instead there was more than twice our normal traffic while I was gone. See, this is why I hate you guys.
Anyway, apparently the site has been taken over by flameaphobia while I was gone. Before things get too out of hand, I want you people to realize that it’s a very small percentage of fire that burns down homes, and fire has just as much potential for peace as any other chemical reaction.
I should mention I’ve really been enjoying Michael Z. Williamson’s Better to Beg Forgiveness… I didn’t have as much time to read as I though, so I only got a little over half way through, but it will be worth writing a review when I finish because it just keeps getting more and more tense with each chapter. I’ll definitely want to get a copy for my brother to see what he thinks of it as a Marine. It’s quite topical, as while contractors from Blackwater are trying to help keep peace in Iraq while being assailed from the media, in the novel contractors (mercenaries) from Ripple Creek are trying to protect a president on a very volatile planet (it’s kinda like if a whole planet was like the worst country in Africa) while being assailed by the media. MoveOn actually makes an appearance in what does seem the logical progression for them in the future. You can check out the first nine chapters here. Now I have to find how I can get sent more milSciFi novels instead of just free political books.
I’ll get back to my regular blogging on Monday. I actually had inspiration for an In My World™ for the first time in a while, but of course it was while I didn’t have time or easy access to the internet. My muse has been a bitch lately. If it’s still topical, I’ll put it up on Monday. I’m sure Harvey will have something more clever, though, which most people will assume I wrote.
One last thing, dissing SarahK, my wife, is not cool. Any more of that, and I not only ban you, I hunt you down and stick a fork in your eye (my choice of which eye but you can choose the fork). Let’s all learn to be nice to each other, because IMAO is all about respect for other people. That’s what IMAO stands for: Iespect Mor Ather Oeople.
Be honorable, ronin.

Hillary Clinton Terrible Truths

Hillary Clinton has a twin in the mirror universe named Clillarly Hinton. Oddly enough, she is also evil but has a less pronounced goatee.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson once fought fire with fire. Fire was admitted to the hospital with third degree burns covering eighty percent of its body.