Silver Age Fred Thompson could easily destroy mountains with a single punch, but the current Fred Thompson, while still the world’s most powerful politician, is considerably depowered.
If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, it’s because Fred Thompson punched it.
Silver Age Fred Thompson went around punching mountains, but Modern Fred Thompson uses his cerebral powers of grandfatherly wisdom to turn them into faceless piles of liberal goo by explaining to them why Cuba is someplace they ought not go to make movies.
Considerably depowered as he may be, his power is still measured in half life increments; so, as I calculate it, he can go on punching hippies for the next 4 centuries.
Superman reference? I don’t think I get it 100%
Socrates: In relation to the new I survived Roe v. Wade girls your right, but the one with the sunglasses is way better looking then the imagine no liberals one…
When I googled “silver age” I got a list of references to comic books and video games, which explains why I don’t get this one. Do you have any Fred facts relating to Shakespeare or Steinbeck (something about All’s Fred that Ends Fred, or The Grapes of Fred)? [When Fred Thompson asks you tell him about the rabbits, you tell him about the rabbits and you pretend your name is George. -Ed.]
He may not have the ability to destroy mountains anymore, but Thompson can still knock socialist beliefs out of Democrats and Hippies with a punch to the face.
The silver age of comic included extremely powerful superheros. It was an time before inner conflict and torment became the stock and trade of comics. You saw damsels in distress rather then the heroes.
Modern comics sometimes seem to focus on the ‘human’ side of super human, while older comics focused on the ‘super’ side more. Think of the difference between the Old Batman (TV) and the new Batman (Movies).
9:00 am and already my third post on IMAO… I need professional help.
You know the old joke,
Old bull and young bull sitting on the top of the hill looking at a herd of cows.
Young bull says “let’s run down and have sex with one of them!”
Old bull replies “let’s walk down and have sex with all of them”
An older Fred Thompson will walk down the hill and punch “all of them”…
“Thompson can still knock socialist beliefs out of Democrats and Hippies with a punch to the face.”
Heck, he can flick them and it’ll be gone. It’s an insult to his total awesomeness to use a whole punch just for that.
Meh, that’s why I’m partial to Marvel. The heros were never so over powered that it became silly.
Besides, comparing Fred to Supes is an insult. Supes is an illegal alien. Also, if it wasn’t for the rearing and the good mid-west values the Kents gave him, he would be a fascist. Just read any Elseworlds story ever written about the Man of Steal.
WB had an original thought once. It quickly died of loneliness. Since then, his brain somehow thinks that More Gun Control and Pro-Federally-Funded Abortion stances are Conservative. He’s been legally classified as a retard. However, though he’s been told this by anyone that has interacted with him for more than 30 seconds, he still doesn’t realize he’s a retard.
Oh, Elephant, WB is a just a small, Rudy gopher from New York. Some “borrow” there. He wants to feel comfortable with a “mayor” as president since he thinks the country is just an extension of NYC. And his every other word is “Goober” (so which comics did HE read as a kid?).
Besides, in a million posts, he couldn’t touch your comic eloquence or insight.
Desertdonkey, as a resident of the greater Pugetopolis/Left Coast I am outnumbered 60/40 by liberalism and can recognize it instantly. You would fit into the liberal mold here perfectly; you and they are the same. Strident shouters when others voice opinion. Shrieking how “wrong” any other position is but yours. Liberals can’t and won’t listen to any ideas but their own. Liberals make personal attacks because they are not articulate enough argue a valid point, or they have no point. I think you may be a closet liberal. Jump out big boy or are you just a keyboard superhero?
Conservative means giving the individual the right to decide for themselves. Conservative is fiscal responsibility. Conservative is putting the best candidate in place to beat the Democrat/Socialists.
Obtuse is defined as supporting a TV actor named Fred for president. Obtuse is someone even less articulate than the current President, and Fred (The Goober) sure fits that bill. Obtuse is especially reserved for posters attacking another for their opinion, that’s also somewhat of a liberal mindset.
Using the term “retard” is retarded, I’m surprised you didn’t use “Tard”, seems more your style.
I would enjoy a conversation discussing opinions and differences but I see conservatives are in trouble when we divide ourselves along narrow definitions.
Jimmy? Burrow, borough, borrow, wheel barrow?
WB – for a second there I thought you had refrained from using the word “Goober.” Quite frankly, all your efforts have been shot down on this blog by your use of that word.
The chances are that I’m a lot older than you. And there used to be a phrase in Republic politics that you might take up:
“Speak no ill of a fellow Republican.”
As long as you’re throwing “Goober” around to describe a Republican presidential candidate, your postings here are worth trashing.
And “Imagine No Liberals” is way hotter than “I survived roe v. wade”. — Socrates
Socrates: In relation to the new I survived Roe v. Wade girls your right, but the one with the sunglasses is way better looking then the imagine no liberals one… — AR
… hu.. wha? Guys, you either need to stop posting until after you wake up, or put your steenking glasses on. The new “I survived” model is hot hot hot! 😀
(Although the IMAO T-Shirt Babe is the prettiest of them all. Damn you, Frank! Damn you! :D)
“And “Imagine No Liberals” is way hotter than “I survived roe v. wade”. — Socrates
Socrates: In relation to the new I survived Roe v. Wade girls your right, but the one with the sunglasses is way better looking then the imagine no liberals one… — AR
… hu.. wha? Guys, you either need to stop posting until after you wake up, or put your steenking glasses on. The new “I survived” model is hot hot hot! :D”
Yeah if you don’t think the “I Survived Roe vs Wade” chick is the hottest of the hot, then you are either Gay or a Liberal Mole planted here by DU to upset the applecart of sexy conservative goodness. I suppose you could also be married to one of the other models and wish to keep both your sex life and your nuts intact, but that would be a real stretch.
I think you need more coffee than I do. Or I need more coffee to comprehend. Either or, more caffiene for all!!
And “Imagine No Liberals” is way hotter than “I survived roe v. wade”.
Considerably depowered as he may be, his power is still measured in half life increments; so, as I calculate it, he can go on punching hippies for the next 4 centuries.
Superman reference? I don’t think I get it 100%
Socrates: In relation to the new I survived Roe v. Wade girls your right, but the one with the sunglasses is way better looking then the imagine no liberals one…
When I googled “silver age” I got a list of references to comic books and video games, which explains why I don’t get this one. Do you have any Fred facts relating to Shakespeare or Steinbeck (something about All’s Fred that Ends Fred, or The Grapes of Fred)?
[When Fred Thompson asks you tell him about the rabbits, you tell him about the rabbits and you pretend your name is George. -Ed.]
He may not have the ability to destroy mountains anymore, but Thompson can still knock socialist beliefs out of Democrats and Hippies with a punch to the face.
The silver age of comic included extremely powerful superheros. It was an time before inner conflict and torment became the stock and trade of comics. You saw damsels in distress rather then the heroes.
Modern comics sometimes seem to focus on the ‘human’ side of super human, while older comics focused on the ‘super’ side more. Think of the difference between the Old Batman (TV) and the new Batman (Movies).
9:00 am and already my third post on IMAO… I need professional help.
You know the old joke,
Old bull and young bull sitting on the top of the hill looking at a herd of cows.
Young bull says “let’s run down and have sex with one of them!”
Old bull replies “let’s walk down and have sex with all of them”
An older Fred Thompson will walk down the hill and punch “all of them”…
“Thompson can still knock socialist beliefs out of Democrats and Hippies with a punch to the face.”
Heck, he can flick them and it’ll be gone. It’s an insult to his total awesomeness to use a whole punch just for that.
Meh, that’s why I’m partial to Marvel. The heros were never so over powered that it became silly.
Besides, comparing Fred to Supes is an insult. Supes is an illegal alien. Also, if it wasn’t for the rearing and the good mid-west values the Kents gave him, he would be a fascist. Just read any Elseworlds story ever written about the Man of Steal.
Fred Thompson once punched an Irishman so hard his kids were born sober.
Note: All comics DC in origin are gay (see: aquaman)
Fred punched his fist in the air once, strained his shoulder.
WB had an original thought once. It quickly died of loneliness. Since then, his brain somehow thinks that More Gun Control and Pro-Federally-Funded Abortion stances are Conservative. He’s been legally classified as a retard. However, though he’s been told this by anyone that has interacted with him for more than 30 seconds, he still doesn’t realize he’s a retard.
Oh, Elephant, WB is a just a small, Rudy gopher from New York. Some “borrow” there. He wants to feel comfortable with a “mayor” as president since he thinks the country is just an extension of NYC. And his every other word is “Goober” (so which comics did HE read as a kid?).
Besides, in a million posts, he couldn’t touch your comic eloquence or insight.
Desertdonkey, as a resident of the greater Pugetopolis/Left Coast I am outnumbered 60/40 by liberalism and can recognize it instantly. You would fit into the liberal mold here perfectly; you and they are the same. Strident shouters when others voice opinion. Shrieking how “wrong” any other position is but yours. Liberals can’t and won’t listen to any ideas but their own. Liberals make personal attacks because they are not articulate enough argue a valid point, or they have no point. I think you may be a closet liberal. Jump out big boy or are you just a keyboard superhero?
Conservative means giving the individual the right to decide for themselves. Conservative is fiscal responsibility. Conservative is putting the best candidate in place to beat the Democrat/Socialists.
Obtuse is defined as supporting a TV actor named Fred for president. Obtuse is someone even less articulate than the current President, and Fred (The Goober) sure fits that bill. Obtuse is especially reserved for posters attacking another for their opinion, that’s also somewhat of a liberal mindset.
Using the term “retard” is retarded, I’m surprised you didn’t use “Tard”, seems more your style.
I would enjoy a conversation discussing opinions and differences but I see conservatives are in trouble when we divide ourselves along narrow definitions.
Jimmy? Burrow, borough, borrow, wheel barrow?
WB – for a second there I thought you had refrained from using the word “Goober.” Quite frankly, all your efforts have been shot down on this blog by your use of that word.
The chances are that I’m a lot older than you. And there used to be a phrase in Republic politics that you might take up:
“Speak no ill of a fellow Republican.”
As long as you’re throwing “Goober” around to describe a Republican presidential candidate, your postings here are worth trashing.
… hu.. wha? Guys, you either need to stop posting until after you wake up, or put your steenking glasses on. The new “I survived” model is hot hot hot! 😀
(Although the IMAO T-Shirt Babe is the prettiest of them all. Damn you, Frank! Damn you! :D)
Yeah, but if Fred Thompson Prime shows up we’re all screwed.
That’s Opthompson Prime, to you…
“Thompso-bots, move out.”
Spider Thompson,
Spider Thompson,
Does whatever a Spider Thompson does.
Look out Hippies!
Here comes a Spider Thompson.
“And “Imagine No Liberals” is way hotter than “I survived roe v. wade”. — Socrates
Socrates: In relation to the new I survived Roe v. Wade girls your right, but the one with the sunglasses is way better looking then the imagine no liberals one… — AR
… hu.. wha? Guys, you either need to stop posting until after you wake up, or put your steenking glasses on. The new “I survived” model is hot hot hot! :D”
Yeah if you don’t think the “I Survived Roe vs Wade” chick is the hottest of the hot, then you are either Gay or a Liberal Mole planted here by DU to upset the applecart of sexy conservative goodness. I suppose you could also be married to one of the other models and wish to keep both your sex life and your nuts intact, but that would be a real stretch.
“…the applecart of sexy conservative goodness.”
(laughter and gray spots later).
Thanks for that.
The fires of Mount Doom may have destroyed the Ring of All Power, but they can’t even touch Fred Thompson.