Still on John Edwards’s “unsolved mysteries” list – why is there always a line of guys facing the wall when he enters a men’s restroom?
Bonus Fact from Silicon Valley Jim:
John Edwards doesn’t get what’s funny about Animal House and Blazing Saddles.
Well, they certainly don’t want to face Edwards. On the other hand, they’re damned if they do, and damned if they don’t. I mean, how would you like to be seen with Edwards, either face on or from the rear?
Johnny’s mommy Lizzybeth heard that the ringtone on his phone is “It’s Raining Men”, and was very offended and wants everyone to know what the ringtone actually is. It’s the light, happy lute tune from “The Princess Bride”.
John Edwards doesn’t get what’s funny about Animal House and Blazing Saddles.
But he finds Thelma & Louise to be very “empowering.”
That is a mystery, Harvey. I mean, how did Edwards, a highly educated lawyer, accidently stumble into the men’s room? He must have been looking for Hillary.
I’ve heard bathrooms called “the John” my whole life, but I was confused when this English guy we knew was always saying “I gotta go to the Ed.” Years later we found out he was a fag, and now it all makes sense…
Maybe he was just a sailor with a British accent who was saying “head” and dropping the “h”, as they tend to do 🙂
John Edwards says “I could just stamp my feet when I read about Aquaman, that bully!”
Ah, I get it now. HU’s on first – he’s a Chinese fella. And WATT’s on second – that’s a fairly common name. And IDANO – what’s that, Italian? But if you say it fast, it sounds like I Don’t Know, see? So that’s where all the confusion comes from.
You’re the worst straight man ever, Harvey…