IMAO Condensed: Taxes


  1. But that can’t be…you see, the liberals say that the republicans are the rich. They also say the rich don’t pay taxes. Surely you are not calling the liberals liars are you? I think if you check any newspaper in the country that starts with “The” and ends in “Times”, and is named after the largest city on the eastern coast, you would see that the facts are incontrovertible.

  2. I’m down. O% effective tax rate. Every year is a “Net Opperating Loss”. Yeah, I pay SSN/Medicare, but I can’t find a way around those that doesn’t involve rooming with Micheal Vick.

  3. Will – reread the 16th Amendment V E R Y slowly. Funny, isn’t it, people are talking about the “Fair Tax” (translated: another tax tax), but NO ONE is talking about repealling the 16th Amendment that grants Congress the “right” (ha!) to tax incomes.
    REPEAL the 16th Ammendment NOW!
    REPEAL the 16th Ammendment NOW!
    REPEAL the 16th Ammendment NOW!
    I’m a “SOVEREIGN” citizen, dammit, and my rights are precisely EQUAL to the CORPORATION that is the United States of America.
    Get your cotton-pickin hands out of my wallet!!
    There, now I can sleep.

  4. Maybe I should clarify that.
    I have an effective tax rate of 0%. I have a N.O.L. every year.
    You wanna repeal the 16th ammendment? Great. Just don’t replace it with a sales tax. I don’t want IRS agents snooping around garage sales and flea markets.
    PS You have more rights than the government. The government has no rights, only athority granted by people who vote themselves other peoples’ money.

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