Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgBest part about becoming President for John Edwards? Writing “1600 Pennsylvania Avenue” on his Cosmo subscription renewal card.


  1. Not to mention that his first order of business will be a presidential order to get the guys from Queer Eye to ‘Fung Shui” the White House. He’ll probably also change the name of The White House to El Casa Blanca, and maybe use some of those weird upside down question marks, too.

  2. ussjimmycarter,
    Cosmo was George Jetson’s boss, Cosmo Spacely, CEO of Spacely Sprockets. You don’t hear about them as much any more because Dick Chaney was a former employee of their direct competitor, Cogswell’s Cogs. So Cosmo Spacely isn’t awarded any government contracts these days.

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